
Sono lieta di annunciare un nuovo Homestay Language Program in Italia! Questo Homestay si trova in Campania, nei pressi di Pompei e della costa Amalfitana. Sarete ospiti di Antonella e Francesco e passerete un bel soggiorno in un appartamento a Torre Annunziata. Andate a trovare questa coppia dinamica e imparate la lingua mentre vi immergerete nella cultura italiana, all’ombra del Vesuvio!

I am happy to announce a new Homestay Italian Language vacation in Italy. This time our Homestay is located in Campania, near Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast. You will be the guests of Antonella and Francesco and you will stay in an apartment in Torre Annunziata. Join this dynamic couple and learn Italian while immersing in Italian culture, in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius!

Here is Antonella to tell you more about their Homestay! Ecco Antonella!

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Ciao a tutti! Siamo Francesco e Antonella e abitiamo in una bellissima regione del sud Italia, la Campania.

Hi everyone! We are Francesco and Antonella and we live in beautiful southern Italy, in la Campania.

Abbiamo esperienza nell’insegnamento della lingua Italiana, esperienza maturata sia qui in Italia che all’estero (New York) e, da grandi viaggiatori, adoriamo l’incontro tra diverse culture. Siamo fermamente convinti che il modo migliore per imparare una lingua sia calarsi completamente tra le persone che la parlano, in modo da riuscire a capirne tutte le sfumature. Proprio per questo nel nostro programma di Homestay sono fondamentali, oltre a lezioni di grammatica e bellissime escursioni (ad es. a Pompei, Sorrento, Positano, Napoli), divertenti cene tra amici, spesa al mercato, lezioni di cucina e altri preziosi momenti di vita quotidiana.

Both Francesco and I have experience in teaching Italian, in Italy and abroad in New York and are avid travelers and love to meet people from diverse cultures. We firmly believe that the best way to improve and learn a language is to immerse completely amongst people who speak it. In this way, you will succeed in understanding all the nuances. Exactly for these reasons we feel that it is essential to go beyond grammar lessons and experience the excursions to Pompeii, Sorrento, Positano, and Naples have fund dinners with friends, shop at the market, have cooking lessons and enjoy the small precious moments of daily life.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

La nostra regione è una delle più visitate e amate del nostro bel paese, dal momento che ospita innumerevoli bellezze, come gli Scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano, la mozzafiato Costiera Amalfitana, l’elegante Sorrento, la folkloristica e vivace Napoli. Ma ad attrarre i tanti visitatori ci pensa anche la deliziosa cucina di questa zona: tra pizza, spaghetti al pomodoro e tante altre prelibatezze di terra e di mare, c’è veramente da leccarsi i baffi!

Our region is one of the most visited and well-loved locations of Italy since it is home to countless beauties like the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the breathtaking Amalfi Coast, the elegant Sorrento, and the lively and colorful Naples. But also the delicious cuisine of the area attracts many visitors: from pizza, spaghetti with tomato sauce and so many other delicacies from the land and sea, there is so much that makes one’s mouth water!

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

La Campania presenta un clima mite che rende piacevoli anche i soggiorni invernali. Si tratta, infatti, di un luogo da scoprire in tutti i periodi dell’anno: in inverno per ammirare i presepi di Napoli o le Luci d’Artista di Salerno, in primavera e autunno per farsi ammaliare dalla bellezza della natura e dei piccoli borghi dal fascino antico, e in estate per godere di un mare cristallino.

Campania has a mild climate that makes even winter stays extremely pleasant. It is in fact a place to discover all the seasons of the year: in the winter you can admire the nativity scenes in Naples or the Festival of the luminaries in Sorrento, in the spring and fall you will be enchanted by the natural beauty of the area and the old world charm of the small villages and in the summer you can enjoy the crystal clear sea.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

La nostra città, Torre Annunziata, sorge ai piedi del maestoso Monte Vesuvio, mentre le sue spiagge di sabbia vulcanica, dalle quali si ammira in lontananza l’isola di Capri, sono bagnate dall’incantevole Golfo di Napoli. Torre Annunziata, città natale del produttore e premio Oscar Dino de Laurentiis, è una piccola città della costa vesuviana che sorge a metà strada tra Napoli e Sorrento, coniugando così il folklore napoletano con la calma della Penisola sorrentina.

Our city, Torre Annunziata, is located at the foot of the majestic Mount Vesuvius. It features volcanic sand beaches, from which you can admire in the distance the island of Capri, and which are bathed in the waters of the Gulf of Napoli. Torre Annunziata is the birthplace of movie producer and Oscar winner Dino de Laurentiis, is a small town on the Vesuvian coast that is halfway between Naples and Sorrento, thus combining Neapolitan charm and the calm of the Sorrento Peninsula.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

Torre Annunziata è famosa nel mondo per la produzione di pasta e pane artigianali, e ospita attualmente alcune delle più buone pizzerie dell’intera Campania. Essa, inoltre, dista appena 5 minuti di auto dagli Scavi di Pompei.

Torre Annunziata is world-famous for the production of homemade pasta and bread and is home to some of the best pizzerias in all of Campania. Moreover, it is just a five-minute drive to the ruins of Pompeii.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay
Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

Il nostro programma di Homestay si svolge a casa di Francesco, dove lui vive con la madre, Mara, pittrice e ottima cuoca. La sua casa sorge nel centro antico della città e affaccia sulla bellissima Villa di Oplonti, una villa romana sepolta dall’eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 DC, ora parte del patrimonio Unesco.

Our Homestay Program is held in the home of Francesco, where he lives with his mother, Mara a painter and excellent cook. The house is located in the historical center of the town and overlooks the beautiful Villa Oplonti, a Roman villa buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, now a part of UNESCO heritage.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

Proprio qui, sotto la guida di Francesco (laureato in Filologia Italiana), si svolgeranno al mattino le “tradizionali” lezioni di italiano, incentrate in particolare sullo studio della grammatica, per poi, nel pomeriggio, partire tutti insieme alla scoperta del magnifico territorio circostante, che consideriamo tra i più belli del mondo.

In this setting, under the guidance of Francesco (who holds a degree in Italian Philology, The study of language in written historical sources; it is a combination of literary criticism, history, and linguistics) you will study in the mornings and have “traditional” personalized Italian lessons. Then, in the afternoon, together with the guidance of Antonella, you will set out to discover more about your magnificent surroundings, in one of the places we consider to be the most beautiful in the world.

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

Il nostro Homestay appartamento sorge in un palazzo abitato da altre famiglie italiane. La camera a disposizione degli ospiti è dotata di singolo o doppio letto, armadio, scrivania, TV e lettore DVD, DVDs a disposizione dell’ospite per incrementare lo studio della lingua, Wi-Fi 24/24 h, balcone con affaccio su Vesuvio e Scavi di Oplonti. I soggiorni vanno da un minimo di una settimana a un massimo di due. La colazione, ricca di prodotti freschi lavorati a mano, viene servita ogni mattina, mentre il pranzo e la cena vengono gustati a casa o in ristoranti tipici in base alle escursioni in programma.

Our Homestay apartment is located in an apartment complex with other Italian families. The guest room is equipped with a single or double bed, wardrobe, desk, TV, and DVD player, DVDs are available to assist with language learning, Wi-Fi, and a balcony that overlooks the Vesuvius Oplonti ruins. Homestays range from a minimum of a week to a maximum of two. Breakfasts will be rich in fresh homegrown produce, served each morning, while lunches and dinners will be eaten at home, or in local restaurants according to the day’s agenda.

Vi aspettiamo! / We are waiting for you!

Photo Credit: Francesco e Antonella Homestay

The price of Francesco and Antonella’s Homestay includes: Full Bed & Board, Room cleaning every 3 days, use of washing machines, several Skype calls prior to homestay to determine level of Italian and to get to know one another and determine the excursions for the week. Please make inquiries through the Matta Blog, to find out pricing and availability.

A One Week Homestay includes: 5 Day trips which the guest can choose, 2 dinners in local restaurants

A Two Week Homestay includes: 8 Day trip which the guest can choose, 3 dinners in local restaurants

Guest can choose from these Day Trips:

Salerno (during Christmas time visit “Luci d’Artista”
Castellammare di Stabia (the city of water with visit to ruins)
Ercolano (visit the ruins entrance fee included)
Vietri sul Mare (the city of Ceramics)
Vesuvio e crater (passeggiata naturalistica)
Albori (charming town that is one of the the”Borghi più belli d’Italia)
Reggia di Caserta (entrance fee included)

Extra expenses: Transport from airport in Napoli, (45 Euro), Special Day Trips to Capri o Ischia (inquire about extra cost of this day excursion)

The Guest Room features: single or double bed, TV and DVD, DVDs for studying, Desk, Armadio, Balcony with with of Vesuvius and the ruins of Oplonti.

Francesco: Bachelor degree in Modern Literature; degree in Italian Philology; experience as a teacher Italian at the School “Learn Italy” in New York

Antonella: Degree in Medicinal Chemistry (in progress); experience as a teacher of Italian at the School “Learn Italy” in New York

[su_spoiler title=”Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices” style=”fancy”]

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please make inquiries through the Matta Blog, to find out pricing and availability. Melissa will put together a proposal and answer any questions you might have about a Homestay in Campania with Antonella and Francesco.

 If you don’t hear back immediately, please contact Melissa at (sometimes there are glitches with the system, and I don’t want to miss your request!)

Homestay Campania_StudentessaMatta15

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