Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Siamo tutti uniti. Aiuta le aziende in Italia a sopravvivere al virus e prosperare!

We are all in this together. Help businesses
in Italy survive the virus and thrive!
Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Quest’anno il turismo in Italia si è fermato. Molte piccolo imprese sono ferrite e molte temono che dovranno chiudere le porte per sempre.

This year tourism in Italy has ground to a standstill. Many small businesses are hurting, and many fear they will have to close their doors for good.

Collaboro con molte piccolo imprese, sedi, scuole e ristorante italialni e tutti hanno perso guadagni per il resto dell’anno, attraverso prenotazioni cancellate a causa della quarantena e del distanziamento sociale. Anche quando le cose inizieranno a riaprirsi, le cose saranno ancora lente man mano che le persone si adegueranno alla nuova realtà post-Covid-19.

I collaborate with many small Italian enterprises, venues, schools, and restaurants, and all of them have lost income for the rest of the year, through canceled bookings due to quarantine and social distancing. Even when things begin to re-open, things will still be slow as people adjust to the new reality of post-Covid-19.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Con molto rammarico, anche io ho dovuto annullare il mio programma di lingue di giugno ad Arezzo. Ma con le dita incrociate, spero di tornare in Italia a settembre. Ho intenzione di andare ad Arezzo e partecipare alla giostra di settembre e poi andrò a Lucca, dove condurrò il programma di lingua autunnale in collaborazione con Lucca Italian School.

Se a te interessa di tornare in Italia con me a Settembre fammi sapere!

With much regret, I, too, have had to cancel my June Language program in Arezzo. But with fingers crossed, I hope to return to Italy in September. I intend to go to Arezzo and participate in the September Joust and continue on to Lucca, where I will conduct the fall Language program in collaboration with Lucca Italian School.

If you are interested in returning with me to Lucca in the fall let me know!

Mentre aspettiamo che le cose si sistemino da sole, ci sono molti modi per sostegnare le piccolo imprese italiane, compresa la mia.

As we wait for things to right themselves, there are many ways to support small Italian businesses, including mine.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Ecco come! Here’s how!

Sign up for ½ hour Conversation practice sessions with Melissa.

Buy Melissa’s Books set in Italy – take a virtual armchair trip to Italy.
(Don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon)

Take an online class with Cultura Italiana in Arezzo
(Don’t forget to mention Melissa sent you!)

Take on online class with Lucca Italian School
(Don’t forget to mention Melissa sent you!)

Take on online class with Il Sasso in Montepulciano
(Don’t forget to mention Melissa sent you!)

Participate in a “virtual” Italian language Homestay
with one of the Italian teachers with whom I collaborate.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

You can also help local restaurants like Il Covo run by my friends and Chef Claudia (pictured above) and her husband Max.

My groups have always been delighted by the cooking lesson that we have with Claudia right in the kitchens of her restaurant.

This May their restaurant is celebrating its the 20th anniversary. They had thought they’d be celebrating with their friends and clients, but due to the terrible virus are in trouble and could use your help.

To help keep the doors of their restaurant open, (when that day arrives – hopefully in the very near future!) they have started a crowdfunding initiative and invite you to give as much as you are able.

You can donate or you can purchase dinner in advance. Anything is appreciated. For more information and to donate click here!

Let’s get Italy back on her feet again so we can all eat a gelato on the Ponte Vecchio!

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

If $$ contributions aren’t an option — no worries!

You can help us in other ways — share
this post and the links I’ve included
with your friends who are interested
in Italy and the Italian language

Remember we are all in this together… we can all help one another!

Claudia, the teachers, & all the Italian businesses I work with,
as well as myself…thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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