Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Tira fuori il popcorn, è l’ora di guardare un film on Netflix.

Get out the popcorn, it’s time to watch a movie on Netflix.

A chi non piace un film divertente o uno che ci fa pensare? Ma ti sei reso conto che i film sono anche un modo fantastic per migliorare le tue abilità linguistiche?

Who doesn’t love a good movie flick? But did you realize movies also provide a fantastic way of keeping your Italian language skills thriving?


Oggi è più facile che mai trovare film italiani online e attraverso servizi di distribuzione di film come Netflix.

These days it is easier than ever to find Italian movies online and through film distribution services like Netflix.

Al momento, mi sto godendo la serie I Medici e la serie Young e New Pope di Paolo Sorrentino. Technicamente sono girati in inglese, ma le scene sono ambientate in Italia, e ci sono tanti tanti dialoghi in italiano. Per il purista del cinema italiano, Netflix ha veri film italiani, come “Benvenuto Presidente!”, “Lazzaro,” “Coffee for All,” e “Gomorrah.”

At the moment, I’m enjoying the Medici series and the Young & New Pope series by Paolo Sorrentino. Technically they are filmed in English, but the scenes are set in Italy, and there is a healthy smattering of Italian dialogue thrown. For the Italian movie purist, Netflix carries a smattering of actual Italian movies to watch – movies like Benvenuto Presidente! Happy as Lazzaro, and Coffee for All, and Gomorrah.

Netflix trasmette anche 3 progetti italiani originali.

Netflix also streams 3 original Italian projects.

Come parte del suo impegno per includere più film e serie TV Europea sul sito, Netflix trasmette anche 3 progetti italiani originali. La mossa è un’ottima notizia non solo per l’industria cinematografica contemporanea italiana, ma anche per persone che parlano italiano e gli studenti d’Italiano.

As a part of its drive to include more European films and TV series on the streaming site, Netflix, also streams 3 original Italian projects. The move is great news not only for Italy’s contemporary film industry but also for Italian speakers and learners of Italian.

Eccoli / They are:

Suburra, un film pliziesco italo-americano sulla corruzione a Roma e in Vaticano.

Suburra, an American-Italian crime drama about corruption in Rome and the Vatican.

Rimetti a noi i nostril debiti (Forgive us our debts). Segue la storia di un uomo che lavora per un esattore.

Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti. (Forgive us our debts). It follows the story of a man who works for a debt collector.

Luna Nera (Black Moon) è amcientata ne 17° secolo e parla di donne sospettate di stregoneria, una delle quali è costretta a fuggire dal suo Villaggio a causa delle accuse.

Luna Nera (Black Moon) is set in the 17th century is about women who are suspected of witchcraft, one of whom is forced to flee her village because of the accusations.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Ma aspetta! / But wait!

Sapevi che è anche possible guardare una lunga lista dei film e delle serie americani in italiano su Netflix?

Did you know it is also possible to enjoy a long list of American movies and TV dramas in Italian on Netflix?


Tutto quello che devi fare è selezionare uno spettacolo che desideria guardare a fare clic su Audio e Sottotitoli.

All you need to do is select a show you’d like to watch and click on the Audio & Subtitles.

Suggerimento per la visualizzazione /
Viewing Tip

Quando guardi qualcosa con audio italiano, disattiva I sottotitoli in inglese. Se ritieni di aver bisogno di didascalie, attiva I sottotitoli in italiano per non udenti. In tal modo, sarai costretto a concentrarti davvero sulle parole italiane.

When watching something with Italian audio, turn off English subtitles. If you feel you need captions, turn on Italian subtitles for the hearing impaired. In doing so, you will be forced to really focus on the Italian words.

Adesso che molti di noi sono costretti a restare a casa e lavorare da casa, è bello sapere che tramite Netflix è possible trovare intrattenimento e continuare l’apprendimento della lingua italiana direttamente dallo schermo della TV a casa.

Now that many of us are forced to stay at home and work from home, it is nice to know that through Netflix, you can find entertainment AND continue your Italian language learning right from your TV screen at home.

For more tips to learn Italian download my guide: “97 Authentic Resources (and then some!) for Learning Italian.”

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  1. I love reading your interesting emails/blogs. As you write in both English and Italian it really helps me to improve my Italian. I can’t thank you. Grazie mille!

  2. Hi! I love Lucca and would love to improve my Italian. I found Luna Nera on Netflix but unfortunately, it is dubbed into English. I really wanted to hear it in Italian but there doesn’t seem to be an option for that.

  3. Ciao Lisa, You can watch Luna Nera on Netflix in Italian by going to the audio selection and switching to viewing in the original Italian. I’m watching it right now in Italian. You can set the audio and the subtitles too!

  4. I would love to see some Italian movies in english, or at least with subtitles. I recently watched on tv The Fugitive Kind and it was great. Would love to see similar movies with Anna Magnani or by director Fellini. Or similar type Italian movies with passionate characters and Italian cohntryside. If you can recommend any such movies, even from other countries, France, Spain, Greece etc that are English speaking of subs so I can understand. Thanks!

    1. Ciao Jean, I’ve listed several in this blog article and there are so many Italian films now available on Netflix. Just type in “Italian” in the search bar. Here is just a short listing I came up with by doing so:


      Luna Nera


      Forgive us our Debts


      The App

      18 Presents

      The Trial



      Happy viewing! Melissa