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Want to improve your Italian by reading books & conversing in Italian?

Sign up for the 2023 Fall Matta Leggiamo Italian Language Book Club

What a NOVEL idea!!
Che idea fantastica!

Beginning the week of October 16th, 2023
we will be reading & discussing:

“Quattro Metà” by Martino Coli

For Group Book Clubs, Please Sign up by Wednesday October 11th, 2023

Quattro metà / Four halves
by Martino Coli

Al mondo esiste davvero una sola anima gemella che ci completa?

Is there really only one soul mate in the world that completes us?

Loro sono in quattro: Matteo, Dario, Chiara e Giulia. Quattro metà di due coppie possibili. Quale sia l’accoppiamento giusto, nessuno lo sa. Matteo e Chiara sono persone solari e affettuose, forse un po’ naïf: sembrano fatti apposta per stare assieme. Anche Giulia e Dario hanno tanto in comune, maledettamente affascinanti, così sicuri di sé al limite dell’arroganza. Il loro destino parrebbe già scritto, visto che «chi si somiglia si piglia». Peccato che si dica anche che «gli opposti si attraggono». Martino e Stefania, i loro amici in comune, scommettono per due coppie diverse. Chi avrà ragione?  Le storie di Matteo, Dario, Chiara e Giulia dimostreranno che ci sono davvero metà perfette che fanno un tutto, o le loro storie sfateranno l’idea che esista un solo partner perfetto per ognuno di noi? Leggi con me per scoprirlo!

There are four characters: Matteo, Dario, Chiara, and Giulia. Four halves of two possible pairs. What is the right pair? Nobody knows. Matteo and Chiara are sunny and affectionate, maybe a little naïf: they seem perfect. Even Giulia and Dario have much in common, so damn charming, so confident with an edge of arrogance. Their destinies seem already written since “birds of a feather flock together.” But it is also said that “opposites attract.” Martino and Stefania, their friends in common, bet for two different pairs. Who will be correct?  Will the stories of Matteo, Dario, Chiara, and Giulia prove that there are indeed perfect halves that make a whole, or will their stories debunk the idea that only one perfect partner exists for each of us? Read with me to find out!

Martino Coli – Author of Quattro Metà

Quattro metà è il primo romanzo di Martino Coli, una commedia romantica e brillante ispirata all’omonimo film, scritto dallo stesso autore e diretto da Alessio Maria Federici, prodotto da Cattleya e distribuito da Netflix.

Quattro metà is the first novel by Martino Coli, a romantic and brilliant comedy inspired by the film, written by the same author and directed by Alessio Maria Federici, produced by Cattleya, and distributed by Netflix.

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How to acquire the book selection.

All participants must purchase a digital, print, or Audio version of “Quattro Metà” by Martino Coli. (This will be an extra cost in addition to the signup fee.)

The novel is available on Amazon in Italian. Links to the Kindle, hardback, and Audiolibro are listed below. The book has also been made into a movie directed by Alessio Maria Federici and is available for viewing on Netflix as “Four for Dinner.”

The Audiobook at normal speed is 6 hours and 21 minutes. I recommend you slow down the speed to .6 or .7 or .8 until you feel comfortable with the rhythm and the speaker’s voice. As you get further into the story, try gradually increasing the speed to 1.0.

Purchase on Amazon
“Quattro Metà” by Martino Coli

Quattro Metà – Kindle

Quattro Metà – Print Hard Cover

Quattro Metà – Audiobook

For more information Contact Melissa

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