Selezione del book club Matta 

Matta Book Club Selection

Io non ho paura

By Niccolò Ammaniti

“Io non ho paura” (I’m Not Scared) by Niccolò Ammaniti captures the essence of a 1978 Italian summer through the eyes of Michele Amitrano, a nine-year-old who uncovers a dark secret: a boy named Filippo held captive in an abandoned farmhouse. This discovery challenges Michele’s sense of morality and innocence amidst the rural backdrop of southern Italy. The novel skillfully intertwines suspense with a deep emotional narrative, depicting Michele’s journey through a world of complex realities and moral dilemmas.

“Io non ho paura” di Niccolò Ammaniti cattura l’essenza di un’estate italiana del 1978 attraverso gli occhi di Michele Amitrano, un bambino di nove anni che scopre un oscuro segreto: un ragazzo di nome Filippo tenuto prigioniero in un casolare abbandonato. Questa scoperta mette alla prova il senso morale e l’innocenza di Michele di fronte allo scenario rurale del sud Italia. Il romanzo intreccia abilmente suspense e una profonda narrazione emotiva, raffigurando il viaggio di Michele attraverso un mondo di realtà complesse e dilemmi morali.

The Matta Book Club

Che idea fantastica!

What a Novel Idea!

Matta Group Book Club

The Matta Group Book Club organizes two captivating sessions annually. Details and book selections are announced on the Book Club page. Each group caters to 2-3 readers and offers flexible start dates. Small, intimate groups offer a personalized reading experience.

Meetings:  5 weekly 1-hour sessions via Zoom. 

For a Custom Group Book Club with your Italian study group, select from our past book choices and contact Melissa.

$250 (per person)

One-on-One Book Club

Enjoy a private one-on-one Matta Book Club with Melissa. This exclusive version can start any time throughout the year based on availability.

Meetings:  5 weekly 1-hour sessions via Zoom. 

Choose from any previous Matta Book Club Selections to customize your experience. Sessions will be tailored to your language level and focused on the language aspects and topics that interest you.

$300 (per person) 

Previous Matta Book Club Selections