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Cosa ti fa venire voglia di imparare l’italiano? Sei motivato intrinsecamente o estrinsecamente?

What makes you want to learn Italian?
Are you intrinsically or extrinsically motivated

Identificare ciò che alimenta il tuo desiderio di imparare l’italiano potrebbe essere la chiave del tuo successo a lungo termine nel diventare fluente. L’apprendimento delle lingue è un passatempo divertente che ti piace o è un compito noioso che temi? Potrebbe essere un fattore critico nel motivo per cui fai fatica e non riesci a ricordare ciò che hai imparato ieri. Oppure spiega perché eccelli e ti diverti così tanto, anche se i progressi sono lenti e la strada verso la fluidità a volte sembra molto lunga.

Identifying what fuels your desire to learn Italian could be the key to your long-term success in becoming fluent. Is language learning a fun pastime that you take pleasure in, or is it a tedious task you dread? It could be a critical factor in why you struggle and can’t seem to remember what you learned yesterday. Or it explains why you excel and enjoy it so much, even if progress is slow and the road to fluency seems very long at times.

Qual è la differenza tra motivazione
intrinseca ed estrinseca?

What’s the difference between
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation?

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Motivazione intrinseca / Intrinsic Motivation

La motivazione intrinseca è quando ti impegni in un comportamento perché lo trovi gratificante. Stai svolgendo un’attività fine a se stessa piuttosto che dal desiderio di una ricompensa esterna. Il comportamento stesso è la sua stessa ricompensa.

Intrinsic Motivation is when you engage in a behavior because you find it rewarding. You have a natural curiosity about something that drives you. You are performing an activity for its own sake rather than from the desire for some external reward. The behavior itself is its own reward.

Sei intrinsecamente motivato a imparare l’italiano quando:
You are Intrinsically  Motivated to learn Italian when:

Studi l’italiano perché lo trovi affascinante in sé e per sé. Sei curioso della lingua e di come funziona. Ti spingi continuamente per migliorare e saperne di più. Sei uno studente per tutta la vita: hai scoperto più impari, più vuoi continuare a imparare. Sei Sei entusiasta della sfida e continui a fare domande per saperne di più.

You study Italian because you find it fascinating in and of itself. You are curious about the language and how it works. You continually push yourself to improve and know more. You are a life-long learner — you’ve discovered the more you learn, the more you want to keep learning. You are thrilled by the challenge and continue to ask questions to know more.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Motivazione estrinseca / Extrinsic Motivation

La motivazione estrinseca è quando sei motivato a svolgere un comportamento o impegnarti in un’attività perché vuoi guadagnare una ricompensa o evitare una punizione. Non sei uno studente attivo. Ti impegnerai in un comportamento, non perché ti piaccia o perché lo trovi soddisfacente, ma perché ti aspetti di ottenere qualcosa in cambio o di evitare qualcosa di spiacevole.

Extrinsic Motivation is when you are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity because you want to earn a reward or avoid punishment. You are not an active learner and rely on others to inform you. You will engage in a behavior, not because you enjoy it or because you find it satisfying, but because you expect to get something in return or avoid something unpleasant.

Sei estrinsecamente motivato a imparare l’italiano quando:

You are Extrinsically  Motivated to learn Italian when:

Studi l’italiano perché devi soddisfare un requisito linguistico e vuoi superare il corso. Non vuoi deludere i tuoi parenti o amici che parlano la lingua. Vuoi viaggiare in Italia e non vuoi metterti in imbarazzo. Assumi un atteggiamento passivo nei confronti della lingua e ti aspetti che qualcun altro ti dia le informazioni e desideri assorbire la lingua con il minimo sforzo da parte tua.

You study Italian because you need to fulfill a language requirement and you want to pass the course. You don’t want to disappoint your relatives or friends who speak the language. You want to travel to Italy and don’t want to embarrass yourself. You take a passive attitude toward the language and expect someone else to spoon-feed you the information and want to absorb the language with minimum effort on your part.

Uno studente ESTRINSECAMENTE MOTIVATO potrebbe sentirsi in questo modo riguardo all’apprendimento di una lingua straniera.

An EXTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED learner might feel this way about learning a foreign language.

Let’s face it, folks. Here are the cold hard facts about learning a language. Are you ready to be depressed?

Learning a foreign language is HARD, FRUSTRATING WORK!

New languages are so ALIENATING. They are off-putting because they are so different, confusing, tricky, and frustrating—like nothing you’ve ever encountered before. There is a reason they call it a “FOREIGN LANGUAGE!” It’s nothing like your mother tongue and precisely the reason you will never learn it well.

To learn a foreign language, YOU HAVE TO MEMORIZE A TON of STUFF that, half that time, doesn’t make any sense, and makes you want to give up.

Mostly you feel OVERWHELMED, DISORIENTATED and EMBARRASSED especially when you say something incorrectly.

Language learning is a TEDIOUS TASK. The goal is to learn it quickly, become fluent, and be done with it.

IT IS BORING, and you’d rather be doing something else. As a result, you FORCE YOURSELF TO CONCENTRATE in order to remember anything at all.

To improve your language skills, YOU HAVE TO WORK AT IT ALL THE TIME. UGH!

Ora diamo un’occhiata a questo stesso elenco dal punto di vista di uno studente MOTIVATO INTRINSECAMENTE.

Now let’s look at this same list from the viewpoint of an INTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED student.

Hey guys! Here are some reasons to enjoy learning a language. Are you ready to be inspired?

Learning a foreign language is CHALLENGING, INTRIGUING, and FUN.

New languages are so INVITING. They are fascinating because they are so different, confusing, tricky, and frustrating—like nothing you’ve ever encountered before. There is a reason they say by learning a new language, “YOU ACQUIRE A NEW SOUL.” It’s nothing like your mother tongue and precisely the reason why you should learn it well.

To learn a foreign language, YOU GET TO ACQUIRE MORE KNOWLEDGE that, half the time, doesn’t make any sense but makes you want to understand all the more! 

Mostly you feel INSPIRED and CRAVE TO KNOW MORE and are PROUD when you learn to say something correctly.

Language learning is an INTERESTING GAME. Becoming fluent is a satisfying process and you don’t want the learning to end.

IT IS ENJOYABLE, and there isn’t anything else you’d rather be doing. As a result, you SPONTANEOUSLY ABSORB INFORMATION and pretty soon, it becomes second nature.

To improve your language skills, YOU GET TO PLAY AROUND IN IT ALL THE TIME. YAY!

Caspita! Due mentalità completamente diverse che distinguono drasticamente gli studenti di lingue di successo e quelli che non hanno successo.

Wow! Two completely different mindsets that drastically set apart successful and unsuccessful language learners.

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

Tutto si riduce a ciò che sta davvero motivando una persona a imparare. Quindi, devi fermarti e chiederti sono INTRINSECAMENTE MOTIVATO, o ESTRINSECAMENTE MOTIVATO?

It all boils down to what is really motivating a person to learn. So, you have to stop and ask yourself am I INTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED, or am I EXTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED?

Se sei un lettore del Matta Blog sono sicura che ti classificheresti come uno studente intrinseco! Ma dopo aver esaminato le tue motivazioni e ti rendi conto di essere estrinsecamente motivato, forse è il “calcio in testa” di cui hai bisogno per cambiare atteggiamento, rimboccati le maniche e “diamoci da fare!”—e cominciare ad imparare per la pura gioia di farlo.

If you are a reader of the Matta blog I’m sure you would categorize yourself as an Intrinsic learner! But after examining your motives and you realize you are extrinsically motivated, perhaps it is the “kick-in-the-head” you need to change your attitude, roll up your sleeves and “diamoci da fare! (get to work) and enjoy learning for the sheer joy of it.”

Per gli studenti di lingue intrinsecamente motivati, ecco alcune cose che potresti trovare utili e istruttive.

For those intrinsically motivated language learners, here are a few things you might find useful and informative.

Language Learning Motivation
& Advice on the Matta Blog


I help you to LEARN BETTER by posting tips, resources, and motivational posts on the Matta Blog to keep your Italian language learning motors super-charged. Here are a couple of the most popular ones:

• 10 Ways to Practice Pronunciation : Guest Post for Transparent Language 2014
• Learning a Language is like a masterpiece by Leonardo
• How Much Time Do You Spend on Italian Every Day?

Grammar Lessons on the Matta Blog

Brush up on grammar and vocabulary through Matta Grammar Lessons and Posts

Practice on the Matta Quizlet Interactive Flashcard site

Practice Matta vocabulary of the week and new vocabulary found in Matta blog posts through fun interactive games online

Italian language and grammar books
you can find in the Matta Amazon store

Books for Beginners and Kids

My First Italian Lesson Color and Learn

Learn Italian for Kids

My First 100 Words in Italian

My First Italian Book

Easy Italian Phrase Book

Grammar Books

Italian Conversations for Beginners

Dirty Italian Everyday Slang

Italian Short Stories for Beginners

English Grammar for Students of Italiana

Complete Italian Grammar

Novels and Literature for Learners

Serena Capilli’s Language Learning Novels
Image Credit: Serena Capilli

Learn more about Serena Capilli’s short novels for Italian Students

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