Selezione del book club Matta 

Matta Book Club Selection

Il risveglio di Isabella

By Melissa Muldoon

“Il risveglio di Isabella” di Melissa Muldoon intreccia le storie di tre donne legate da Arezzo, Italia, e il mistero di un quadro perduto. La tragedia rinascimentale di Isabella de’ Medici, la ricerca di Nora nella contemporaneità per la guarigione e la sua passione per l’arte, e gli sforzi di Margherita durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per proteggere l’arte dai nazisti tessono una narrativa di perdita, scoperta e redenzione. Evidenziando temi di emancipazione femminile e l’influenza senza tempo dell’arte, il romanzo celebra le connessioni attraverso le epoche con un ricco mix di storia, mistero e amore per l’Italia.

“Waking Isabella” by Melissa Muldoon intertwines the stories of three women linked by Arezzo, Italy, and a lost painting’s mystery. Isabella de’ Medici’s Renaissance tragedy, Nora’s modern quest for healing and passion for art, and Margherita’s WWII efforts to protect art from Nazis weave a narrative of loss, discovery, and redemption. Highlighting themes of female empowerment and art’s timeless influence, the novel celebrates connections across eras with a rich blend of history, mystery, and love for Italy.

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any time of the year!

The Matta Book Club

Che idea fantastica!

What a Novel Idea!

Matta Group Book Club

The Matta Group Book Club organizes two captivating sessions annually. Details and book selections are announced on the Book Club page. Each group caters to 2-3 readers and offers flexible start dates. Small, intimate groups offer a personalized reading experience.

Meetings:  5 weekly 1-hour sessions via Zoom. 

For a Custom Group Book Club with your Italian study group, select from our past book choices and contact Melissa.

$250 (per person)

One-on-One Book Club

Enjoy a private one-on-one Matta Book Club with Melissa. This exclusive version can start any time throughout the year based on availability.

Meetings:  5 weekly 1-hour sessions via Zoom. 

Choose from any previous Matta Book Club Selections to customize your experience. Sessions will be tailored to your language level and focused on the language aspects and topics that interest you.

$300 (per person)