Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Sono lieta di annunciare che l’audiolibro di “Waking Isabella” è ora disponibile su Audible e Amazon. Il romanzo, ambientato ad Arezzo, in Italia, è letto in inglese dalla talentuosa Amy Gordon che dà vita ai personaggi con la sua bella voce e le sue drammatiche capacità di recitazione. Amy ed io abbiamo collaborato strettamente sul questo progetto e lei mi ha confessato che le è piaciuto imparare un po’ d’Italiano durante il processo.

I am pleased to announce the Audiobook for “Waking Isabella,” is now available on Audible and Amazon. The novel, set in Arezzo Italy, is read in English by the talented Amy Gordon who brings the characters to life with her lovely voice and dramatic acting abilities. Amy and I worked closely on this project and she confesses that she enjoyed learning a bit of Italian during the process!

Imparerai anche un po’ d’Italiano e scoprire di più sulle leggende e sull cultura italiana

You too will also learn a bit of Italian and discover more about Italian legends and culture


Winner of the 2019
Reader Views
Reviewers Choice Award

Vieni con Nora ad Arezzo, in Italia e innamorati della città e della giostra mentre lei cerca di svegliare Isabella—la principessa Medici assassinata dal marito—e risolve il mistero di un capolavoro nascosto.

Follow Nora to Arezzo, Italy, and fall in love with the city and the joust as she awakens Isabella—the Medici princess murdered by her husband—and solves the mystery of a hidden masterpiece.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Story Synopsis

Waking Isabella is a story about uncovering hidden beauty that, over time, has been lost, erased, or suppressed. It also weaves together several love stories as well as a few mysteries. Nora, an assistant researcher, is a catalyst for resolving the puzzle of a painting that has been missing for decades. Set in Arezzo, a small Tuscan town, the plot unfolds against the backdrop of the city’s antique trade and the fanfare and pageantry of its medieval jousting festival. While filming a documentary about Isabella de’ Medici—the Renaissance princess who was murdered by her husband—Nora begins to connect with the lives of two remarkable women from the past. Unraveling the stories of Isabella, the daughter of a fifteenth-century Tuscan duke, and Margherita, a young girl trying to survive the war in Nazi-occupied Italy, Nora begins to question the choices that have shaped her own life up to this point. As she does, hidden beauty is awakened deep inside of her, and she discovers the keys to her creativity and happiness. It is a story of love and deceit, forgeries and masterpieces—all held together by the allure and intrigue of a beautiful Tuscan ghost.

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Enter the Contest to win
a copy of the AudioBook
of “Waking Isabella”


To celebrate wrapping up production, I am hosting an AudioBook Give-Away for “Waking Isabella

The contest begins at 12:00am Central Time October 18, 2020, and runs until 12:00 am October 25, 2020.

You can enter every day if you like, by liking the Matta Facebook Page, Tweeting about the contest, or by leaving a comment below in the box and tell me what you like most about Italy. Your comments can be in Italian or English.

For those of you who like holding a book in your hands
all three novels: Dreaming Sophia, Waking Isabella,
and Eternally Artemisia are available in print and epub.

Waking Isabella is also available
translated into Italian in print and epub:
“Il risveglio di Isabella”


Enjoy! And please tell your friends! Passaparola!

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  1. I hope this is the box to write comments to enter the competition. I am blind, using screen reading software to access the computer and it isn’t obvious, when relying on speech alone, how I enter the competition.
    What I love most about Italy is that the people are so eager to help you to speak their language. They are very patient with my halting Italian and they ask me questions to help me practise describing where I have been and what I have done. They are also very accommodating of my disability by making others vacate cafe tables for me (a little embarrassing) but also letting me into the attractions for free (which is very kind).