
È un anno nuovo! Siete pronti per una nuova sfida? Volete imparare l’italiano?

It’s a New Year! Are you ready for a new Italian language challenge?

2015 è qui! Un nuovo anno è davanti a noi! Che cosa farete? Siete pronti di rimboccarsi le maniche e concentrarvi sull’apprendimento d’italiano? Se la risposta è SÌ! ho un’idea fantastica per voi! La gente ad italki vuole aiutarvi ottenere i vostri obiettivi per 2015.

2015 is here! A brand new shiny year stretches out before us! What will you do with it? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and focus on your Italian language studies? If so, I have a great idea for you! The folks at italki have your back and are ready to help you achieve your 2015 language learning goals.


italki sta sponsorizzando un NEW YEAR’S Language Challenge! Tutto quello che dovete fare è:

italki is sponsoring a New Year’s Language Challenge! All you need to do is:

(The signup fee for the challenge is 100 ITC)

2. TAKE 20 HOURS of ONLINE LESSONS / FARE 20 ORE DI LEZIONE ONLINE with any Community Tutor or Professional Teacher from January 15th until February 28th (3 weeks of lessons)

3. WIN 400 ITC and IMPROVED LANGUAGE SKILLS! / VINCERE 400 ITC e migliorare la competenza linguistica

Registration is NOW OPEN. Registration ENDS January 31st.

Challenge starts on JANUARY 15th. Challenge Ends on February 28th.

È bello imparare e vincere! Nothing beats learning and winning!

Io parteciperò alla sfida e nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio parlerò delle mie esperienze qui sul blog. Unitevi a me e tenetemi aggiornato come va la vostra sfida! Scrivete un commento qui sul blog e fatemi sapere cosa imparate.

I will be taking the challenge and will be posting about my experience throughout January and February.  Join me and keep me posted on how your language challenge is going! Leave a comment here on the blog and let me know what new things you learn!



What Previous Challengers Say!

“Accepting the italki Challenge was one of the best things I’ve done.  I’d talked and read about learning a foreign language for years, but hadn’t made much progress… The Challenge seemed like a good way to force myself to take some lessons and actually learn.”  – Anwen, 2014 October Language Challenge Winner

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