
Risolviamo un paio di misteri insieme! Iscriviti a due divertenti seminari misteriosi in italiano.

Choose from:

#1: A Private 5-Hour Seminar reading “The Mystery of Lake Como.”

#2: A Private 1-Hour Seminar Solving “La scena del crimine” — a picture book filled of a crime scene with clues and secrets to unravel.”


Benvenuti nel mondo del mistero e del crimine! In questo mondo di enigmi e segreti, ci immergeremo nelle acque profonde della letteratura italiana, dove ogni pagina è un indizio e ogni parola è un sospetto. Preparati per un’avventura letteraria da brivido mentre esploriamo l’affascinante mondo dei romanzi gialli e delle storie misteriose.

Welcome to the world of mystery and crime! In this world of enigmas and secrets, we will immerse ourselves in the deep waters of Italian literature, where every page is a clue and every word is a suspicion. Prepare for spine-tingling literary adventure as we explore the fascinating world of yellow novels and mystery stories.


Cammineremo nei panni dei detective più abili, risolveremo enigmi intricati e seguiremo le tracce di indizi sparsi in ogni angolo delle storie. È un’esperienza condivisa che ci permetterà di mettere alla prova le nostre super capacità investigative e praticare anche l’italiano!

We will walk in the shoes of the most skilled detectives, solve intricate puzzles, and follow the traces of clues scattered in every corner of the stories. It’s a shared experience that will allow us to test our super sleuthing skills and practice Italian, too!


Private 5-Hour Seminar.
Let’s read a book together entitled:
“The Mystery of Lake Como.

Cost of 5 private, 1-hour, Weekly Seminar Meetings: $250
We will meet on a Zoom call. 

The book is available in Italian for Kindle and in Paperback. The cost of book purchase is not included in the price of the seminar. You can find it on Amazon here:

Would you like to read a short novel in Italian and be able to understand it?

Would you like to increase your fluency in Italian in a fun way?

Il Mistero Del Lago di Como has been specially written for students of an intermediate level, aimed to give a sense of achievement and, most importantly – fun! It has been meticulously written according to B1 and B2 levels of the Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR)

Il Mistero Del Lago di Como è stato scritto appositamente per studenti di livello intermedio, con l’obiettivo di dare un senso di realizzazione e, soprattutto – divertimento! È stato scritto meticolosamente secondo i livelli B1 e B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo delle Lingue (QCER).

What will this book give you?

  • A mysterious story in Italian – making reading enjoyable and giving you a sense of accomplishment that you can read and understand a whole book in a foreign language!
  • A wide range of new vocabulary to help improve your communication skills.
  • Authentic spoken dialogues to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability.
  • Pleasure! Research shows that if you enjoy reading in a foreign language, you won’t experience the usual frustration – ‘It’s too hard!’ ‘I don’t understand!’
  • Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way.

What key features does it include?

  1. A glossary for bold words in each text.
  2. A bilingual word list after each chapter.
  3. Comprehension questions after each chapter.
  4. Deliberate and controlled repetition of vocabulary and expressions to help you retain new words.

If you want to sign up for the Seminar to read “The Mystery of Lake Como,” email me, and I will respond with instructions on enrolling and paying.


Private 1-hour seminar: Let’s solve a mystery together “La scena del crimine” — a picture book filled with clues and secrets to unravel.

Cost of 1 private 1-hour Seminar Meeting: $50 
Materials will be provided in PDF format.
We will meet on a Zoom call. 

Using a book I purchased in Italy “La scena del Crimine — Gialli da Risolvere in Vacanza — we will meet for a 1-hour seminar, and together we will follow the clues and solve the crime “Orrore alla festa in Maschera” and determine who the killer is!

Utilizzando un libro che ho acquistato in Italia “La Scena del Crimine – Gialli da Risolvere in Vacanza – ci incontreremo per un seminario di 1 ora, e insieme seguiremo gli indizi e risolveremo il crimine “Orrore alla festa in Maschera” e determineremo chi è l’assassino!

If you want to sign up to solve a mystery together in “La scena del crimine,” email me, and I will respond with instructions on enrolling and paying.


Sei in grado di risolvere gli omicidi analizzando la scena del crimine? Scopriamo insieme mentre approfondisci il tuo italiano!

Are you able to solve the murders by analyzing the crime scene? Let’s find out together while deepening your Italian!

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