Vuoi migliorare il tuo italiano
leggere libri e chiacchierare in italiano?

Want to improve your Italian by reading books & conversing in Italian?

Sign up for the 2023 Spring “Matta” Leggiamo Italian Language Book Club

What a NOVEL idea!!
Che idea fantastica!

Beginning the week of
March 6th, 2023 we will be reading & discussing:

 “Io non ho paura” di Niccolò Ammaniti

Image Credit: Studentessa Matta

La trama / The plot

Image Credit: Film “Io non ho paura.{

Ti invito ad unirti al 2023 Spring Matta Book Club e a fuggire nel mondo di Michele e dei suoi amici durante una lunga e torrida estate in Toscana nella città quasi dimenticata di Acqua Traverse e a vivere le emozioni di un ragazzo che scopre un segreto terribile .

I invite you to join the 2023 Spring Matta Book Club and escape into the world of Michele and his friends during a long hot, torrid summer in Tuscany in the almost forgotten town of Acqua Traverse and live the emotions of a young boy as he discovers a terrible secret.

Apprezzerai della poesia e della bellezza delle parole e dello stile di scrittura di Ammaniti mentre crea una bella storia vista attraverso gli occhi di Michele, un ragazzo che barcolla sull’orlo dell’innocenza infantile e delle dure realtà di un mondo adulto.

You will enjoy the poetry and the beauty of Ammaniti’s words and writing style as he creates a beautiful story seen through the eyes of Michele, a boy teetering on the brink of childhood innocence and the harsh realities of an adult world.

La lettura di “Non ho paura” su Ammaniti è un ottimo modo per praticare e migliorare la conoscenza del passato imperfetto e aumentare il tuo vocabolario. Attraverso un’esperienza di Book Club (gruppo o individuale), praticherai le abilità di lettura, ascolto e conversazione e imparerai a conoscere la cultura italiana e la sua scena economica e sociale durante gli anni ’70.

Reading Ammaniti’s “Io non ho paura” is a great way to practice and improve your knowledge of the Imperfect Past tense and increase your vocabulary. Through a book club experience (group or individual), you will practice reading, listening, and conversational skills and learn about Italian culture and its economic and social scene during the 1970s.

Il romanzo è disponibile su Amazon in italiano. Link al libro in brossura, rilegato e Audio Libro sono elencati di seguito. Il libro è stato anche realizzato in un film diretto da Gabriele Salvatores.

The novel is available on Amazon in Italian. Links to the paperback, hardback, and Audio Libro are listed below. The book has also been made into a movie directed by Gabriele Salvatores.

Il romanzo non è troppo lungo. La versione tascabile di “Io non ho paura” consiste di dieci capitoli ed è di 230 pagine. 

The novel is not too long. The paperback version of “Io non ho paura” consists of ten chapters and is 230 pages. 

L’audiolibro alla velocità normale è di 6 ore e 21 minuti. Vi consiglio di rallentare la velocità a .6, .7, o .8 fino a quando non ti senti a tuo agio con il ritmo e la voce dell’altoparlante. Man mano che approfondisci la storia, prova ad aumentare gradualmente la velocità a 1.0.

The Audiobook at normal speed is 6 hours and 21 minutes. I recommend you slow down the speed to .6 or .7 or .8 until you feel comfortable with the rhythm and the speaker’s voice. As you get further into the story, try gradually increasing the speed to 1.0.

If you have questions about registration, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Purchase on Amazon “Io non ho paura”
by Niccolò Ammaniti

Io non ho paura – paperback

Io non ho paura – audiobook

Visit the “Matta Amazon” Book Page to purchase
all previous the Matta Book Club Books

Goal of the Book Club / Obiettivo del Book Club

Improve your Italian reading comprehension, auditory listening skills, and conversation abilities.
Have fun, laugh, and learn together!

What is the recommended language level for participation in the “Matta” Book Club?

  • Advanced Beginner (with a very good grasp of Italian grammar and a strong vocabulary)
  • Intermediate and up

Where will the Matta Book Club meetings be held? How long will they last, and how many meetings will there be?   

  • 5-Week Book Club Seminar
  • 1-hour weekly Meetings
  • Meetings will occur on Zoom

How to acquire the book selection.

All participants will be required to purchase a print, Audio or an Epub version of the selected novel.

How are the “Matta” Book Club Meetings organized?

You can participate in a group book club of up to 3 individuals or select an individual one-on-one book club experience.

Melissa will guide each week’s seminar in Italian.

I encourage you to read and/or listen to the book before the start date of the book club. This will enhance your experience and allow us to have better conversations and discussions, focus on grammar and expressions and allow participants to read aloud passages and ask questions.

There will be Five 1- hour meetings (5 weeks).

Meetings will be fun and informal (feel free to sip on a spritz or have a glass of wine while we chat). I encourage everyone to participate and chat, and I make sure to get everyone involved. Before each meeting, I will assign a set number of chapters so readers can prepare and review them for the following week. During our meetings, we will address interesting grammar points, review new vocabulary, answer discussion guide questions, and answer reader questions.

From me, your book club guide, each week before our meeting, you will receive: 

  1. Study guide for the chapters we will cover that week. By following this guide, if readers can answer the salient questions related to each chapter, they will be able to keep up with the novel’s plot and finish the book! Readers will also have the opportunity to read paragraphs aloud to practice pronunciation.
  2. Vocabulary list and link to Quizlet website to practice new vocabulary (I will create flashcards with interactive games to help you learn the new words)
  3. I will suggest a short topic or something to look out for in the upcoming week’s chapters to prepare for. This will allow you to write down and organize your thoughts and practice the new vocabulary you will learn while reading that week’s chapters.

Start Date: Open all year. In the one-on-one book club, it is possible to read either “Io non ho Paura” by Niccolò Ammaniti, “Prima regola: non innamorarsi” by Felicia Kinglsey, “Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti” by Silvia Zucca or “Il risveglio di Isabella” by Melissa Muldoon

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