2024 Matta Italian Small
Group Language Programs.
Early Bird Special!

“Attenzione, intrepidi esploratori del linguaggio e della vita!”

“Attention, intrepid explorers of language and life!”

Se si ride di cuore, abbracciare l’inaspettato, e prosperare su battute giocoso, fare le valigie e attrezzarsi per un viaggio esaltante immersione italiana!

If you laugh heartily, embrace the unexpected, and thrive on playful banter, pack your bags and gear up for an exhilarating Italian immersion journey!

Do you often chuckle at your mispronunciations, thrive amidst the unexpected turns of an adventure, and find joy in the harmonious melodies of the Italian tongue? If you’re the type to eagerly dive into conversations with strangers from Timbuktu to Tennessee while passionately practicing the phrases you’ve just learned (perhaps with a delightful mix-up or two), buckle up! 

The Studentessa Matta Italian immersion programs in the heart of Italy are beckoning, and they are tailor-made for those with a hearty laugh, a boundless curiosity, and a genuine love for connecting across borders.

In 2024, as I have been for the past 12 years, I will be your guide in Italy for three new language programs to help you learn the language and delve deeper into Italian culture.

I will organize your classes, activities, outings, and meals. I ask in return that, along with your sensible walking shoes, you bring a sense of humor and the thoughtfulness to engage with unique individuals who, like you, are traveling to Italy to learn Italian! 

If this sounds like you!
Let’s go to Italy together!

What to expect from a Matta Language Immersion Program in Italy.

Coursework with my partner school in Italy

When you participate in a Matta Italian Language Program, you will study with my partner school in the mornings (9 am – 1 pm). Before your arrival, you will fill out a short language placement appraisal. This ensures we understand where you are with your Italian skills and that your learning experience is tailored to elevate your existing skills. You’ll then join a class just right for you with fellow students from around the globe.

Afternoon activities to continue practicing Italian skills

In the afternoons, I will be your Italian “cicerone,” your Italian guide,  language tutor, and resident art historian. I have been writing the Studentessa Matta language and culture blog in Italian for over 12 years; I have a master’s degree in art history and have written four historical novels set in Italy. I have been teaching and tutoring students full-time online for over three years. Feel free to contact me if you would be interested in practicing Italian conversation or brushing up on grammar skills during the year before going to Italy.

During the afternoon excursions and activities —“fuori aula” — all docents, artisans, artists, and chefs we interact with communicate in Italian, so you will be exposed to various accents and authentic voices. They will be instructed to speak slowly, and translations will be provided when necessary.

Evening Meals

Planned evening meals typically start at 8:00 pm, which is standard dining time in Italy. Many students in my programs also enjoy an aperitivo or spritz before dinner. There are wine tastings, wine events, and cocktail hours. If you prefer not to drink alcoholic beverages, that is okay, too.

I organize group dinners not only as a courtesy and convenience to my students but also because it is an opportunity for participants to “rompere il ghiaccio” break the ice, and get to know one another better. During evening meals, we can chat in Italian, ask questions about grammar or vocabulary, and take Italian skills to a new level. Italian conversation is always encouraged, but English is spoken when students need to relax and recharge their batteries after a long day!

We stay connected via WhatsApp

During the program, my group stays connected via WhatsApp. Every morning, I send out messages reminding students about the afternoon’s planned activity, meet-up points or alerting students if there has been a change in the schedule. I also send out a daily “pillola di grammatica” or a “curiosità” or article about what we will be seeing or experiencing later that day or even an Italian song. You can also reach me via email or WhatsApp.

Who participates, and where do they come from?

To date, students in my programs have ranged in age from 30 to 86. Everyone in my programs will have a different level of Italian expertise, ranging from very beginner to advanced intermediate. Participants have come from various countries, such as Australia, England, Switzerland, the U.S., Puerto Ricco, France, and Russia, and have diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

Because of the diversity among my students, I expect everyone in my programs to respect and enjoy one another’s company during our time together. 

Traveling abroad in a small group is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends, connect with people, and discover why they study Italian. It is a moment of personal growth — a chance to meet new people and learn from one another. 

Learn Italian and delve deeper into Italy’s art & history.

When you travel with me, you step into my “intellectual learning salon.” Think of my programs as your opportunity to expand your horizons linguistically, historically, and artistically. It is a chance to learn the language, history, and culture while living your best possible life being a kind and generous person to your teachers, classmates, Italian friends, and other participants in the program. 

Are you ready to travel to Italy to learn Italian in 2024?

Dante and I await your applications for the 2024 Matta Italian Language Immersion Programs in Arezzo in June, Lucca in September, and the Arezzo Weekend Joust in September!

Study in Italy with the Studentessa Matta: where language isn’t just learned, it’s lived. Small groups, big adventures!

Early Bird Special!
Sign up for a 2024 Matta Italian Arezzo or Lucca Language programs before December 31, 2023, and get a $250 discount.

(Early Bird Special does not apply to the 3-Day September Weekend Giostra Program.)

Arezzo June 16 – 28, 2024 Italian Program


Lucca Sept 26 – Oct 5, 2024 Italian Program


Arezzo 3-Day Joust Weekend Sept 7-9, 2024

(Early Bird Special does not apply to the weekend Giostra)


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