Join me in Arezzo this coming September 2018
to immerse in language, culture and conversation.

Arezzo ha molto da offrire e io con Paola Testi, la direttrice di Cultura Italiana e tutti gli insegnanti alla scuola, non vediamo l’ora di mostravi la città!

Arezzo has so much to offer, and I along with Paola Testi, the director of Cultura Italiana and all the teachers at the school can’t wait to show you the city.

Watch the video above to see a few highlights of what
we will see and experience together in Arezzo in 2018!

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Insieme studiamo alla scuola nelle mattine e poi durante i pomeriggi facciamo tante belle cose insieme e continuiamo a parlare in Italiano. Facciamo degustazioni di vino, prepariamo le cene con chef Lala, andiamo a visitare altre città vicino e visitiamo le botteghe di artisti e artigiani. Andiamo alla Fiera Antiquaria e partecipiamo nelle feste della giostra. Ceniamo anche benissimo e alloggiamo al B&B di Barbara Lancini – le Antiche Mura, solo pochi passi dal Duomo.

Together we will study in the mornings at the school, and then during the afternoons, we will participate in many lovely activities and continue to practice Italian conversation skills. There will be wine tastings, cooking lessons, visits to nearby towns, visits to local artisan shops. We will go to the Antique Fair and participate in the jousting festival. We will also dine well and stay in comfort at Barbara Lancini’s B&B – le Antiche Mura – just a few steps away from the town’s cathedral.


Non vedo l’ora di conoscervi meglio e fare un soggiornoad Arezzo con tutti quanti!
Let’s go to Arezzo fall 2018.

Highlights from the 2017 Program
La Giostra – Setting for the next
Italian Language Immersion Program

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  1. I have sent several emails to Homestay regarding booking a summer Homestay but had no reply
    Is the Homestay not happening in 2018??

    1. Ciao Sherie, yes Homestays are definitely occurring. I have been booking language vacations for lots of students since the beginning of the year. However, I haven’t received your request – did you fill out the request form on the Homestay page?

      I just sent you an email with instructions. Please let me know you have received this. Thanks. Look forward to helping you make arrangements to study in Italy this year.

      A presto! Melissa