Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Vuoi migliorare il tuo italiano
leggere libri e chiacchierare in italiano?

Want to improve your Italian by reading books & conversing in Italian?

Sign up for the 2022 Fall “Matta” Leggiamo Italian Language Book Club

What a NOVEL idea!!
Che idea fantastica!

Beginning the week of October 17th, 2022 we will be reading & discussing:


Sono lieta di farti sapere che ho già parlato con Felicia Kingsley e lei è entusiasta che leggeremo il suo romanzo e ha accettato di unirsi al nostro club del libro nel mese di dicembre su una chiamata Zoom dopo aver completato la lettura “Prima Regola: non innamorarsi”!
I’m pleased to let you know that I’ve spoken with Felicia Kingsley and she is thrilled we will be reading her novel and has agreed to join our book club in December on a Zoom call after we have completed reading “Prima regola: non innamorarsi”!

There are TWO book club enrollment options:
Group Meetings or One-on-One Sessions

If you have questions about registration, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Goal / Obiettivo

Improve your Italian reading comprehension, auditory listening skills, and conversation abilities.
To have fun, laugh, and learn together!

What is the recommended language level for participation in the “Matta” Book Club?

  • Advanced Beginner (with a good grasp of Italian grammar and strong vocabulary)
  • Intermediate and up

Where will the Matta Book Club meetings be held? How long will they last, and how many meetings will there be?   

  • 8-Week Book Club Seminar
  • 1-1/2 hour weekly Meetings
  • Meetings will occur on Zoom

How to acquire the book selection.

All participants will be required to purchase a print or an Epub version of “Prima Regola: non innamorarsi” by Felicia Kingsley. (This will be an extra cost in addition to the signup fee.)


To enhance the book club experience, I encourage you to purchase the Audiobook.

How are the “Matta” Book Club 
Meetings organized?

Each week’s seminar will be guided by me in Italian.

I encourage you to read and/or listen to the book prior to the start date of the book club in October. This will enhance your experience and allow us to have better conversations and discussions, focus on grammar and expressions and allow participants to read aloud passages and ask questions.

There will be eight 1-1/2 hour meetings (8 weeks).

Meetings will be fun and informal (feel free to sip on a spritz or have a glass of wine while we chat). I encourage everyone to participate and chat, and I make sure to get everyone involved. Prior to each meeting, I will assign a set number of chapters so readers can prepare and review them for the following week. During our meetings, we will address interesting grammar points and review new vocabulary, answer discussion guide questions and answer reader questions.

From me, your book club hostess, each week prior to our meeting, you will receive: 

  1. Study guide for the chapters we will cover that week. By following this guide, if readers can answer the salient questions related to each chapter, they will be able to keep up with the plot of the novel and finish the book! Readers will also have the opportunity to read paragraphs aloud to practice pronunciation.
  2. Vocabulary list and link to Quizlet website to practice new vocabulary (I will create flashcards with interactive games to help you learn the new words)
  3. I will suggest a short topic or something to look out for in the upcoming week’s chapters to prepare for. This will allow you to write down and organize your thoughts and practice the new vocabulary you will learn while reading that week’s chapters.

When do we start, and what will
be the cost of the Book Club?

The Autumn Matta Group Book Club 8-week seminar begins the week of October 17th, 2022
Cost for Group Book Club $250

Individual Membership Book Club
8-Week Seminar (1 Student)
Cost for Individual Book Club $400

Start Date: Open all year.
Sign up at your convenience, and select the
day and time you’d like meetings to occur.

In the one-on-one book club, it is possible to read either Felicia Kinglsey’s “Prima regola: non innamorarsi” novel, Silvia Zucca’s “Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti” o il mio romanzo “Il risveglio di Isabella.”


Should you have a problem signing up or selecting a date,
please contact me!

Photo Credit, Studentessa Matta, Cover of Felicia Kingsley’s novel
Prima regola: non innamorarsi

Why did I pick Felicia Kingsley’s novel for the fall “Matta” Book Club?

Prima regola: non innamorarsi è uno di quei romanzi che non ci si aspetta: all’apparenza può sembrare il classico romanzo rosa e invece, durante la lettura scorrevole e coinvolgente, si rivela un diverso, originale e con una forte componente mistery. Gli intrighi, i colpi di scena, i vari misteri che i protagonisti dovranno risolvere, la ricerca di reperti preziosi e di codici segreti catturano l’attenzione e incollano il lettore dalla prima all’ultima pagina. E tutto in una trama coinvolgente e misteriosa, sullo sfondo avvincente di Venezia, Londra e Vienna.

Prima regola: non innamorarsi is one of those novels that you do not expect: at first glance, it might seem a classic romance novel, but as you begin reading the story, it presents itself as an intelligent, original, and compelling mystery thriller. The intrigues, the plot twists, puzzles, and secret codes the protagonists have to solve capture the attention and keep the reader riveted from the first to the last page. And all the action and the engaging plot is set against the compelling backdrop of Venice, London, and Vienna.

Ecco il plot riassunto/summary for “Prima regola: non innamorarsi” di Felicia Kingsley.

Two highly specialized thieves, Nick and Silvye, who have double-crossed one another in the past and already despise one another, are hired by Lord Henry to find Casanova’s famed “lost” diary. Begrudgingly the duo joins forces to solve the case. Sparks fly as they attempt to work together, and their witty banter is reminiscent of other wise-cracking couples such as Grace Kelly and Cary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock’s “To Catch a Thief” or Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou in “The Da Vinci Code.” The plot thickens as Nick and Silvye board the Orient Express in Paris, bound for Venice, where a private auction takes place to acquire rare drawings that hold clues to the diary’s hidden location. A dead body, a bejeweled necklace, poisoned lipstick, shady characters, lots of plot twists, a little romance, and a lot of Italy… this all makes for a fun and light-hearted read, ironic and humorous. The adventure story that pits two thieves against one another will entertain you. Still, you will also learn about Renaissance and 18th-century art, Venice, Casanova, and lots of fun historical trivia, as well as about the secret society of the freemasons, in addition to improving your Italian reading and auditory comprehension skills.

Due ladri altamente qualificati, Nick e Silvye, che si sono traditi in passato e già si disprezzano a vicenda, sono ingaggiati da Lord Henry per trovare il famoso diario “perso” di Casanova. A malincuore il duo unisce le forze per risolvere il caso. Scintille volano mentre tentano di lavorare insieme, e le loro battute arguto ricorda altre coppie spiritose come Grace Kelly e Cary Grant in “Per catturare un ladro” di Alfred Hitchcock o Tom Hanks e Audrey Tautou in “Il codice da Vinci.” La trama si complica mentre Nick e Silvye si imbarcano sull’Orient Express a Parigi, diretti a Venezia, dove si svolge un’asta privata per acquisire rari disegni che contengono indizi sulla posizione nascosta del diario. Un cadavere, una collana di gioielli, rossetto avvelenato, personaggi loschi, tanti colpi di scena, un po’ di romanticismo, e un sacco di Italia… Tutto ciò rende la lettura divertente e spensierata, ironica e divertente. La storia d’avventura che mette due ladri uno contro l’altro vi intratterrà. Ancora, si impara anche il Rinascimento e l’arte del 18 º secolo, Venezia, Casanova, e un sacco di divertimento curiosità storica, così come sulla società segreta dei massoni, oltre a migliorare la vostra lettura italiana e capacità di comprensione uditiva.

Photo Credit: Felicia Kingsley, Lifestyle Made in Italy

Felicia Kingsley — l’autrice / the author

Felicia Kingsley è nata nel 1987, vive in provincia di Modena e lavora come architetto. Matrimonio di convenienza, il suo primo romanzo inizialmente autopubblicato, ha riscosso grande successo in libreria con Newton Compton ed è diventato il secondo ebook più letto del 2017. Stronze si nasceUna Cenerentola a Manhattan e Due cuori in affitto sono stati nella classifica dei bestseller per settimane. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato anche La verità è che non ti odio abbastanzaPrima regola: non innamorarsi e, in ebook, Appuntamento in terrazzo, i cui proventi verranno devoluti all’Ospedale Policlinico di Modena.

Felicia Kingsley was born in 1987, lives in the province of Modena, and works as an architect. Matrimonio di convenienza, her first novel, initially self-published, met with great success in bookstores with Newton Compton and became the second most read ebook of 2017. Stronze si nasceUna Cenerentola a Manhattan and Due cuori in affitto were on the bestseller lists for weeks. Newton Compton also published La verità è che non ti odio abbastanzaPrima regola: non innamorarsi and, in the ebook, Appuntamento in terrazzo, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Polyclinic Hospital of Modena.

Join me & Felicia in October for the next Matta Book Club!

If you have questions and want to learn more, write me at:

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