Sofonisba Anguissola Self Portrait

Sono lieta di annunciare che il mio nuovo romanzo “The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola—the most famous woman you’ve never heard of” è in un blog tour virtuale questo mese e puoi vincere una copia del romanzo.

I am pleased to announce that my new novel “The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola—the most famous woman you’ve never heard of” is on a virtual blog tour this month with iRead Books and you can win a copy of the novel. US contestants can also win an audiobook!

Fai un viaggio in poltrona in Italia, Spagna e Sicilia mentre segui le avventure di Sofonisba!

Take an armchair trip to Italy, Spain, and Sicily as you follow the adventures of Sofonisba!

Photo Credit: Etsy Dress Art Mystery, Juliett Dress

Ambientato nel XVI secolo, The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola racconta la storia della prima ritrattista ad ottenere riconoscimenti e consensi internazionali per il suo lavoro ai suoi tempi. Sofonisba era una giovane donna ben istruita e molto colta—insolita per it tempi— e le sue doti artistiche furono riconosciute da Michelangelo e successivamente dal Vasari. Divenne pittrice di corte di Filippo II di Spagna e insegnò a dipingere all sua regina Elisabetta, figlia di Caterina de’ Medici. Sofonisba visse fino ai novant’anni, ha viaggiato molto e durante la sua vita ha incontrato artisti di talento, duchi autorevoli, principi pazzi, re religiosi, regine spie, visconti vivaci e capitani di mare audaci. Non si può vivere una vita così straordinaria senza storie da raccontare e raccontare lei fa al giovane pittore Anthony Van Dyke. In una saga piena di intrighi, gelosia, tesori sepolti, amore non corrisposto, spionaggio e omicidio, la storia di Sofonisba si svolge sullo sfondo di Italia, Spagna e Sicilia. Molti si sono innamorati di Sofonisba, ma solo uno ha catturato il suo cuore.

La pittrice può aver avuto molti segreti… ma alla fine, solo lei e lei sola conosce la verità!

Set in the Sixteenth-century, The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola tells the story of the first female portrait painter to gain recognition and international acclaim for her work in her day and age. Sofonisba was a highly educated and well-read young woman—unusual for the times—and her artistic talents were recognized by Michelangelo and later Vasari. She became court painter to Philip II of Spain and taught his queen Elisabeth, Catherine de’ Medici’s daughter, to paint. Sofonisba lived well into her nineties, traveled extensively, and during her lifetime encountered talented artists, authoritative dukes, mad princes, religious kings, spying queens, vivacious viscounts, and dashing sea captains. One can’t live such an extraordinary life without tales to tell and tell them she does to the young painter Anthony Van Dyke. In a saga filled with intrigue, jealousy, buried treasure, unrequited love, espionage, and murder, Sofonisba’s story is played out against the backdrop of Italy, Spain, and Sicily. Many fell in love with Sofonisba, but only one captured her heart.

The painter may have had many secrets… but in the end, only she and she alone knows the truth!

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Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Enter the Giveaway for a chance to win a print copy of
The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola
Plus 1 Audiobook (Dreaming Sophia, Waking Isabella or Eternally Artemisia)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Link to the Giveaway page

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta, Deposit Photos

You can follow Sofonisba’s throughout the month of February following this tour schedule.

Feb 1 – The Pen and Muse Book Reviews – spotlight of all 3 books / giveaway
Feb 1 – Sefina Hawke’s Books – spotlight of all 3 books
Feb 2 – Working Mommy Journal – review of Sofonisba / giveaway
Feb 2 – Books for Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 3 – Working Mommy Journal – review of Isabella / giveaway
Feb 3 – Books for Books – review of Isabella
​Feb 4 – I’m All About Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 5 – History from a Woman’s Perspective – review of Sofonisba 
Feb 8 – Olio by Marilyn – review of Sofonisba / author interview / giveaway
Feb 8 – Literary Flits – review of Sofonisba / giveaway
Feb 9 – History from a Woman’s Perspective – review of Artemisia
Feb 10 – Sadie’s Spotlight – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 10 – Gwendalyn’s Books – review of Sofonisba / author interview / giveaway
Feb 11 – History from a Woman’s Perspective – review of Isabella
Feb 11 – Books for Books – review of Artemisia
Feb 12 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 12 – Stephanie Jane – spotlight of all 3 books / giveaway
Feb 15 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author Blog – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 16 – Deborah-Zenha Adams – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 16 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – review of Sofonisba / guest post / giveaway
Feb 17 – Gwendalyn’s Books – review of Isabella
Feb 17 – Locks, Hooks and Books – review of Sofonisba / giveaway
Feb 17 – Splashes of Joy – spotlight of all 3 books / author interview / giveaway
Feb 18 – Locks, Hooks and Books – review of Isabella / giveaway
Feb 18 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – review of Sofonisba / giveaway
Feb 19 – Locks, Hooks and Books – review of Artemisia / giveaway
Feb 19 – 30-something Travel – review of Sofonisba / guest post / giveaway
Feb 19 – Books Lattes & Tiaras – review of Sofonisba
Feb 22 – Books Lattes & Tiaras – review of Isabella
Feb 22 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – review of Isabella / giveaway
Feb 23 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – review of Artemisia / giveaway
Feb 23 – Jazzy Book Reviews – spotlight of all 3 books / giveaway
Feb 24 – Library of Clean Reads – review of Sofonisba / giveaway
Feb 25 – Olio by Marilyn – review of Artemisia / giveaway
Feb 26 – High Society Book Club & Reviews – review of Sofonisba + spotlight previous books / guest post / giveaway
Feb 26 – 30-something Travel – review of Isabella / giveaway
Feb 26 – Books Lattes & Tiaras – review of Artemisia

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