Using-Force-to Learn-italian-preposition-di-matta-set-number-8

Image Credit: Studentessa Matta Illustration

Credere di essere un Jedi Knight?
Speri di imparare la preposizioni “di” utilizzando la forza e una spada laser? 

Do you consider yourself a Jedi knight? Do you hope to
learn the prepositions “of” using force and a lightsaber? 

In Guerre stellari, la Forza è un potere potente che gli Jedi possono imbrigliare e dominare. Allo stesso modo, padroneggiare le preposizioni italiane ti consente di utilizzare il linguaggio in modo più efficace, consentendoti di esprimere idee con precisione e trasmettere sfumature sottili.

In Star Wars, the Force is a powerful energy that the Jedi can harness and master. Similarly, mastering Italian prepositions empowers you to wield the language more effectively, enabling you to express ideas precisely and convey subtle nuances.

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Matta Preposizioni italiane

Set Number 9 — Italian Preposition “Di”

The preposition “di” is equivalent to the English word “of.” It also indicates direction (from) when following “essere.” It often describes “how or “with what something is done or happens. The preposition “di” is also used to express possession.

Attenzione: sometimes you need to articulate the preposition, combining it with the definite article.

Set #9: Italian Verbs that are always followed
by the preposition “di” + noun.













– to remember to do something

– to forget to do something

– to suggest doing something

– to recommend something

– to hope something

– to believe something

Using-Force-to Learn-italian-preposition-di-matta-set-number-8

RICORDO DI quanto sia stata memorabile l’avventura di Luke, Han Solo e la Principessa Leia nella trilogia originale di Star Wars.

I remember how memorable the adventure of Luke, Han Solo, and Princess Leia was in the original Star Wars trilogy.

MI SONO DIMENTICATA DI quanto amavo guardare “Guerre stellari” quando ero più giovane.

I forgot how much I loved watching “Star Wars” when I was younger.

Ti PROPONGO DI immergerti nella saga di Guerre Stellari, ambientata molto tempo fa in un luogo lontano.

I propose that you immerse yourself in the Star Wars saga, set long ago in a place far away. 

Ti CONSIGLIO DI guardare la saga di Star Wars per immergerti nell’epica battaglia tra i Jedi e Darth Vader.

I recommend watching the Star Wars saga to immerse yourself in the epic battle between the Jedi and Darth Vader.

SPERO DI poter viaggiare nello spazio e scoprire nuovi pianeti, andando dove nessun uomo è mai stato prima.

I hope to be able to travel in space and discover new planets, going where no man has gone before.

CREDO DI considerare la Principessa Leia un’icona di forza e coraggio nella saga di Star War.

I believe Princess Leia to be an icon of strength and courage in the Star Wars saga.

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Italian expression using the preposition “di”

Di pancia

To do something instinctively

Doing something “di pancia” means doing it instinctively, without thinking too much about it. It can also be used in a somewhat derogatory sense to indicate something that is done in a completely irrational way. Generally speaking, it means that you follow your guts, your instincts – it’s easier to remember if you know that “pancia” means belly!

Prendo sempre decisioni importanti di pancia, seguo il mio istinto.

I always make important decisions from the gut, I follow my instinct.

Quando si tratta di scegliere il lato oscuro o la Forza, Luke Skywalker segue sempre la sua spada laser e il suo istinto di pancia.” 

When it comes to choosing between the dark side or the Force, Luke Skywalker always follows his lightsaber and his gut instinct.

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Pratica queste preposizioni per avvicinarti a fluency!

Practice these prepositions to get closer to fluency!

View previous sets of prepositions.

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