
2023 Fall Matta Book Club Pick:
“Quattro Metà” by Martino Coli

Improve your Italian by reading books
and conversing in Italian.

What a NOVEL idea!!
Che idea fantastica!


In Five Weekly 1-Hour Sessions, we will meet via Zoom calls to discuss

“Quattro Metà” by Martino Coli

Beginning the week of October 16, 2023 

Ending the week of November 13, 2023

Groups of 2-3 readers are now forming. Join up and join the fun!

You can also participate one-on-one with Melissa
Signup for private sessions available all year long 

To learn more about how to acquire the book, the cost of bookclub, and to sign up, click this link

Quattro Meta is available in print, Kindle, Audio, and as a Film on Netflix.


Al mondo esiste davvero una sola anima gemella che ci completa?

Is there really only one soul mate in the world that completes us?

Quattro Metà racconta le storie di quattro persone che si incontrano a una cena e si accoppiano per formare due coppie romantiche. Ma, la storia prende una svolta interessante quando intravediamo una realtà alternativa e vediamo cosa accadrebbe se i protagonisti dovessero accoppiarsi in modo diverso. Quale rapporto funziona meglio? Insieme, rifletteremo non solo sulla grammatica italiana e sul nuovo vocabolario, ma discuteremo anche l’idea: esistono coppie perfette?? 

Quattro Metà tells the stories of four people who meet at a dinner party and pair up to form two romantic couples. But, the story takes an interesting twist when we glimpse an alternate reality and view what would happen if the protagonists were to pair up differently. Which relationship works better? Together, we will ponder not only Italian grammar and new vocabulary but also discuss the idea: Do perfect couples exist!?? 

To learn more about how to acquire the book, the cost of bookclub, and to sign up, click this link:

Take your Italian language skills further, learn more, and have fun in the process!

Anche se non sei ancora un maestro della lingua, ogni pagina che leggi trasforma frasi difficili in enigmi divertenti, e le parole che inciampi in un primo momento diventano presto nuovi amici.

Even if you’re not a ‘maestro’ of the language yet, every page you read turns tricky phrases into fun puzzles, and words you stumble over at first soon become new friends.

Benefits of Reading an Italian novel.

Leggere un romanzo in italiano aumenterà la tua fluidità, e cosa c’è di meglio che leggere con altri che stanno imparando l’italiano insieme a te?!?

Reading a novel in Italian will supercharge your fluency, and what could be better than reading with others who are also learning Italian right along with you?!?

Exposes you to Authentic Vocabulary: Novels use everyday language, slang, idioms, and regional expressions, giving you a broader vocabulary.

Improves Comprehension: Continuous exposure to written Italian helps you understand sentence structures, context clues, and the flow of conversation.

Cultural Insight: Novels offer a window into Italy’s cultural nuances, historical contexts, and social dynamics.

Enhances Pronunciation & Fluency: Reading aloud can improve your pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation.

Reinforces Grammar: You’ll see grammatical structures in action, aiding in retention and understanding.

Boosts Confidence: Tackling a novel and understanding it dramatically boosts your confidence and motivation in learning the language.

To learn more about how to acquire the book, the cost of bookclub, and to sign up, click this link

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