Image Credit: Studentessa Matta & Elisabetta Maccani

Elisabetta Maccani &
la studentessa Matta
sono colleghe e collaboratrici!

Elisabetta Maccani and the Studentessa Matta are colleagues and collaborators!

Elisabetta Maccani torna a visitare il Blog di Studentessa Matta con un nuovo guest post. È qui anche con la notizia che il suo esclusivo programma Italian Fluency & Confidence Programma che riprenderà il prossimo marzo 2022, che è proprio dietro l’angolo. Dovresti unirti a lei e ad altri per migliorare le tue abilità linguistiche in italiano. Collaboro con Elisabetta e raccomando il suo programma perché aiuta a costruire la tua fiducia per contribuire e comprendere le conversazioni italiane quotidiane.

Elisabetta Macanni is back visiting the Studentessa Matta Blog with a new guest post. She is here also with the news that her exclusive Fluency & Confidence Italian Program will kick off again this coming March 2022 — which is just around the corner. You should join her and others to improve your Italian language skills. I’m partnering with Elisabetta and recommending her program because she helps build your confidence to contribute to and understand everyday Italian conversations.

Image Credit: Elisabetta Maccani

Nel guest post di oggi, Elisabetta, la fondatrice di Italiano con Eli TV su Youtube, approfondisce un problema familiare che spesso gli studenti di lingue hanno: aprire bocca e parlare la loro nuova lingua! È un problema che hai anche tu? Allora potresti essere interessato a quello che ha da dire e forse anche interessato a seguire il suo Fluency and Confidence (Corso F & C).

In today’s guest post, Elisabetta, the founder of Italiano con Eli TV on Youtube, delves into a familiar problem language learners often have – opening their mouths and speaking their new language! Is this a problem you have too? Then you might be interested in what she has to say, and perhaps even interested in taking her Fluency and Confidence (F & C Course.)

Ecco Elisabetta! / Now here is Elisabetta!


Studio l’italiano da alcuni anni, ma non riesco a parlarlo.
I have been studying Italian for a few years, but I can’t speak it.

Quando devo parlare, mi blocco.
When I have to speak, I freeze.

Non mi vengono in mente le parole.
Words don’t come to mind.

Ho paura di sbagliare.
I don’t want to make mistakes in front of others

Ti riconosci in queste frasi?

Do you recognize yourself in these sentences?

Lascia che ti faccia una domanda. Guarda attentamente l’immagine qui sotto.Per caso sei  una persona che applica questa scala di misura?

Let me ask you a question. Look carefully at the image below. Are you a person who applies this scale of measurement?

Image Credit: Elisabetta Maccani

Houston, abbiamo un problema! 😉 Mi sa che tu e io siamo molto simili. Credo proprio che anche tu sia un/una perfezionista.

Houston we have a problem! I think you and I are very similar. I really believe that you are a perfectionist too.

Image Credit: Studentessa Matta, Dreamstime

Essere perfezionisti purtroppo non aiuta a imparare una lingua. Anzi. Te lo dice una persona che ha passato la vita ad essere una perfezionista (ora credo di esserlo un po’ meno rispetto a prima, per fortuna!).

Unfortunately, being a perfectionist doesn’t help you learn a language. On the contrary. A person who has spent his life being a perfectionist tells you this (now I think I’m a little less so than before, luckily!).

Se vuoi imparare una lingua, voler essere perfetti è un limite. Direi un vero e proprio ostacolo. Ne sono ogni volta più convinta: la perfezione va di pari passo con la procrastinazione.

If you want to learn a language, wanting to be perfect is a limitation. I would say a real obstacle. I am more convinced that perfection goes hand in hand with procrastination.

Non sono abbanstanza bravo/a per parlare.
(È meglio che stia zitto/a)

I’m not good enough to talk. (You better shut up)

Oddio, farò sicuramente degli errori.  
(Meglio non parlare, per stavolta)

Oh my God, I’m definitely going to make mistakes.
(Better not talk this time)

In fin dei conti il perfezionismo nasce dal timore di non essere all’altezza delle aspettative degli altri. Abbiamo paura di essere giudicati. Temiamo che qualcuno dica “ma come parli?!”. Ed ecco che ci blocchiamo.

Ultimately, perfectionism arises from the fear of not living up to the expectations of others. We are afraid of being judged. We are afraid that someone will say “but how do you speak ?!” And here we stop.

Quando senti che “ti blocchi”, non è solo un’impressione. Le Neuroscienze ci dicono chiaramente che quando il nostro sistema limbico entra in allerta, le aree importanti per l’apprendimento, come per esempio l’ippocampo o la corteccia prefrontale, si possono bloccare. Quindi il blocco che senti è reale. È proprio questo che accade al tuo cervello.

It’s not just an impression when you feel that you “get stuck”. Neuroscience clearly tells us that when our limbic system becomes alert, the areas important for learning, such as the hippocampus or the prefrontal cortex, can become blocked. So the block you feel is real. This is exactly what happens to your brain.

Image Credit: Studentessa Matta, Dreamstime

Ricorda che tutte le volte che eviti di parlare, stai perdendo l’occasione di migliorare e di avvicinarti al tuo sogno italiano. Non c’è tempo da perdere, invece. Utilizza ogni opportunità per metterti in gioco, per usare la lingua.

Remember that every time you avoid talking, you are missing the opportunity to improve and get closer to your Italian dream. There is no time to waste, however. Use every opportunity to get involved, to use the language.

Image Credit: Elisabetta Maccani

E se quello che stai cercando è un posto sicuro per farlo, uno spazio in cui praticare l’italiano della vita quotidiana (come quando devi andare ristorante, al bar, in un hotel ecc.) allora contattami per vedere se il tuo profilo è adatto per partecipare al programma F&C – Fluency & Confidence Italian Program. Puoi prenotare una chiamata con me qui:

And if what you are looking for is a safe place to do it, a space in which to practice Italian in everyday life (such as when you have to go to a restaurant, a bar, a hotel, etc.) then contact me to see if your profile is suitable. to participate in the F&C – Fluency & Confidence Italian Program. You can book a call with me here:

Don’t forget to mention la Studentessa Matta
when you contact Eli! She will give you the “Matta” extra special touch when you do!

To get a taste of Elisabetta’s teaching style tomorrow March 2, 2022 she is offering a FREE webinar.

Here’s a great opportunity! Take part in Elisabetta’s Macanni’s Italian Masterclass. It’s Free! March 2 at 10 am East Coast time / 9:00 am Central Time / 7 am West Coast Time (16:00 = 4pm ROME time)

You can enroll here / Dove ti puoi iscrivere:

Click to arrange a call with Elisabetta Maccani

Image Credit: Elisabetta Maccani

Chi è Elisabetta Maccani, Fondatrice di Italiano con Eli TV

Who is Elisabetta Maccani, Founder of Italian with Eli TV

Elisabetta aiuta gli studenti di italiano a passare dal non sentirsi a proprio agio e avere difficoltà a parlare in italiano a sentirsi sicuri del proprio livello, in modo da comunicare con successo nelle situazioni della vita quotidiana.

Elisabetta helps students of Italian to go from not feeling comfortable and having difficulty speaking Italian to feeling confident in their level, in order to communicate successfully in everyday situations.

Si occupa di formazione linguistica rivolta ad adulti stranieri da più di 10 anni, è un’insegnante di italiano certificata dall’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia e una NeuroLanguage Coach® accreditata da ICF (International Coaching Federation).

She has been involved in language training for foreign adults for more than 10 years, she is an Italian teacher certified by the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice and a NeuroLanguage Coach® accredited by ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Se vuoi conoscere i 10 elementi essenziali per imparare la lingua italiana in modo efficace, puoi scaricare gratuitamente la Guida The Essential 10 dal sito

If you want to know the 10 essential elements to learn the Italian language effectively, you can download the Essential 10 Guide for free from the website (you can download it both in Italian and in English).

Here is what they are saying:

Monika: I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time learning new Italian words and grammar with her. She always goes the extra mile for the sessions as well as for me as her professional client. She has definitely given me the confidence I needed to start using this beautiful language.

Stacy: I have studied Italian for almost three years. I have studied grammar, read stories, and participated in all kinds of courses to increase my listening and off-the-cuff speaking skills. But I never felt at all comfortable in the everyday situations encountered while out-and-about in Italy. Where’s the best place to buy prosciutto? What is an etto? How do I address someone formally? How do I ask for and understand directions?  What kind of train ticket should I buy and how do I buy it? What are the size conversions for clothes and shoes? How do Italians really speak to each other in all these situations, compared to what we learn in books? F&C provided me the focus and the tools I needed to become comfortable in these situations.

Khatereh: I started her courses when I almost didn’t know any Italian and it was really difficult for me to communicate in Italian society. Attending Italian courses with Elisabetta gave me enough confidence in order to use Italian in my routine daily conversation and even in my workplace.

Farhad: The biggest gift she gave me was the confidence to start speaking in Italian.

Inci: She is positive and supportive of whatever she has to go through, she is really patient even when we do the same mistakes over and over again, and it is really fun to learn with her. Not every teacher will care about you as she does. She is not only a great teacher but also a good friend. Before I met her, I was afraid to speak, I couldn’t say one word in Italian, thanks to her, I am not afraid anymore.

Dirk: I would recommend the F&C Italian Program. The reason is simple: I have significantly improved my Italian within a short period of time!

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