Photo Credit: Studenessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Sapevi che la parola quarantena è una parola italiana?

Did you know the word quarantine is an Italian word?

La parola “quarantena” deriva da una variante veneziana del diciassettesimo secolo del termine italiano: quaranta giorni, che significa “quaranta giorni.”

The origin of the word “quarantine” comes from a seventeenth-century Venetian variant of the Italian term: quaranta giorni, meaning “forty days.”

Si riferisce a una restrizione alla circolazione di persone e merci Intesa a prevenire la diffusione di malattie o parassiti. È usato in connessione con la malattia, impedendo il movimento di coloro che potrebbero essere stati esposit a una malattia trasmissibile, ma non hanno una diagnosi medica confermata.

It refers to a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is used in connection to disease, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis.

Vedi. Gli esseri umani fin dall’inizio sono stati suscettibili alle infezioni di massa.

You see. Human beings from the very beginning
have been susceptible to mass infection.

La prima menzione di isolamento come questo, si verifica nel libro del Levitico, scritto nel VII secolo AC.

The earliest mention of isolation such as this, occurs in the Biblical book of Leviticus, written in 7th century BC.

Photo Credit: Studenessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento, il period di isolamento di 40 giorni per navi e persone fu praticato come misura di prevenzione delle malattie legate alla peste. La quarantena di quaranta giorni si è rivelata una formula efficace per gestire gli scoppi della peste. Secondo le stime attuali, la peste bubbonica ha avuto un period di 37 giorni dall’infezione alla morte; pertanto le quarantine europee avrebbero avuto un grande successo nel determinare la salute degli equipaggi dale potenziali navi commerciali e di approvvigionamento.

In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the 40-day isolation period for ships and people was practiced as a measure of disease prevention related to the plague. The forty-day quarantine proved to be an effective formula for handling outbreaks of the plague. According to current estimates, the bubonic plague had a 37-day period from infection to death; therefore, the European quarantines would have been highly successful in determining the health of crews from potential trading and supply ships.

In questi tempi moderni, gli esseri umani hanno affrontato focolai di febbre gialla, colera, vaiolo e influenze devastanti. Più recentemente abbiamo affrontato insieme, l’epidemia di Ebola… e ora affrontiamo l’epidemia di coronavirus.

In these modern times, humans have faced outbreaks of yellow fever, Cholera, smallpox, and devasting influenzas. More recently we have faced together the Ebola epidemic… and now we face the Coronavirus outbreak.

Photo Credit: Studenessa Matta, Deposit Photos

Gli Italiani erano i primi a mettere in atto quarantene per proteggere le masse.

The Italians were the first to put into
effect quarantines to protect the masses.

Poiché, ancora una volta, affrontiamo una minaccia alla nostra salute su scala globale, la quarantena è la parola del giorno. Gli italiani hanno inventato la parola quarantena e ancora una volta stanno coraggiosamente bloccando il loro paese per fermare la diffusione della malattia. Tutti ora dobbiamo seguire il loro esempio prendendo le distane dai nostril vicini.

As once again we face a threat to our health on a global scale, quarantining is the word of the day. The Italians coined the word quarantine and now, once again, they are bravely locking down their country in order to stop the spread of disease. We all now must follow their example by distancing ourselves from our neighbors.

Photo Credit: The Guardian

In quali altri modi possiamo seguire l’esempio degli italiani?

In what other ways can we follow the
example of the Italians?

Tuttavia, nonostante gli effetti positive per la nostra società nel suo insieme, la quarantena può anche avere effetti psicologici negative su quelli che sono separate gli uni dagli altri.

Yet, despite the positive effects for our society as a whole, quarantining can also have negative psychological effects on those that are separated from one another.

Photo Credit: The Guardian

Gli italiani tirano su il morale mentre si isolano cantando!

The Italians are keeping spirits high during this
period of isolation by singing.

Gli italiani in quarantena si stanno unendo in tutta la nazione per cantare canzoni di solidarietà dai loro balcony e finestre. Canto ai loro vicini, agli anziani a tutti coloro che sono soli, annoiati or spaventati. Le persone stanno tirando fuori I loro strumenti, le loro chitarre, I tamburini, persino stanno battendo ritmi su pentole e padelle — di unirsi a cantautore, locali, dilettanti e professionisti —anche le nonne — mentre ballano sui loro balcony in una mostra di speranza, fede e amore.

The Italians are keeping their spirits up while self-isolating by singing! Quarantined Italians are coming together across the nation to sing songs of solidarity from their balconies and window. They sing to their neighbors, to the elderly to everyone who is lonely, bored or scared. People are digging out their instruments, their guitars, tambourines — even beating rhythms on pots and pans — to join with local folk singers, amateurs and professionals even nonnas as they dance on their balconies in a display of hope, faith, and love.

Photo Credit: The Guardian

Nel flash mob dai balconi dell’Italia che resiste alla quarantena c’è anche l’inno nazionale che irrompe dai terrazzini di Ballarò. Nel cuore del quartiere popolare di Palermo, alle 18, le strade suono deserte, ma risuonano a tutto volume le parole dell’inno di Mameli. E poi, alla fine, un applauso tra famiglie di dirimpettai, tutti affacciati al balcone.

Sii parte della resilienza dello spirit umano. Anche tutto questo passerà.

Be a part of the resilience of the human spirit.
This too, shall pass.

Today, breathe.
Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
The birds are singing again
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming,
And we are always encompassed by Love.
Open the windows of your soul
And though you may not be able
to touch across the empty square,

Poem by Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM

Yes, there is fear.
Yes, there is isolation.
Yes, there is panic buying.
Yes, there is sickness.
Yes, there is even death.
They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
You can hear the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
The sky is no longer thick with fumes
But blue and grey and clear.
They say that in the streets of Assisi
People are singing to each other
across the empty squares,
keeping their windows open
so that those who are alone
may hear the sounds of the family around them.
They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
Today a young woman I know
is busy spreading fliers with her number
through the neighborhood
So that the elders may have someone to call on.
Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
are preparing to welcome
and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
All over the world people are looking at their neighbors in a new way
All over the world, people are waking up to a new reality
To how big we really are.
To how little control we really have.
To what really matters.
To Love.
So we pray and we remember that
Yes, there is fear.
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes, there is isolation.
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes, there is panic buying.
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes, there is sickness.
But there does not have to be the disease of the soul
Yes, there is even death.
But there can always be a rebirth of love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
Today, breathe.
Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
The birds are singing again
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming,
And we are always encompassed by Love.
Open the windows of your soul
And though you may not be able
to touch across the empty square,

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  1. Thank you for helping to keep our spirits up, as well as helping us to keep up with our Italian!

  2. Grazie mille Melissa per questi video, che gesti toccanti sentire l’italiano cantare tutte quelle belle canzoni nei momenti difficili in cui si trovano, incluso noi ora , dappertutto in mondo.
    Tutto passerà ed essere forte.
    A presto, ciao