Vivi l’ospitalità toscana: corsi di cucina, degustazione di vini, foodie e tour in barca a Livorno

Experience Tuscan hospitality: cooking classes, wine tasting, foodie and boat tours in Livorno


[su_spoiler title=”Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices” style=”fancy”]

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you would like to make a reservation, click on the form link above and indicate your first, second & third choices for an Italian Language Homestay, along with dates and language level. Melissa will respond as soon as she receives the form. If, for some reason, you don’t hear back immediately, please send a follow-up email to

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Livorno, situata sulla pittoresca costa della Toscana, offre un mix unico di bellezza costiera, fascino storico e delizie culinarie. Facendo Homestay con Alessandra e Raffaele, avrete la possibilità di connettersi con i padroni di casa locali che possono fornire conoscenze interne, esperienze autentiche, e un caldo senso di appartenenza.

Livorno, located on the picturesque coast of Tuscany, offers a unique blend of coastal beauty, historical charm, and culinary delights. Making a homestay with Alessandra and Raffaele, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with local hosts who can provide you with insider knowledge, authentic experiences, and a warm sense of belonging.

A Homestay in Livorno is a rich cultural experience!

Offerte speciali / Special offers

Un percorso di assaggi vini della costa toscana con Alessandra e Raffaele. (30 Euro)
A wine-tasting tour of the Tuscan coast with Alessandra and Raffaele.
(30 Euro)

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Alla “Bottega del Gusto Cibo Vino”, proprio di fronte al bellissimo lungomare di Livorno, troverete la consueta qualità e ospitalità tipica di Livorno, che ama la loro città e la loro cucina. È possibile trovare una varietà di specialità livornesi cucinate con amore e gioia, godendo di splendidi tramonti, ottimi vini abbinati a piatti locali come ceci e aringhe, sgombro marinato, acciughe alla Povera (con cipolla bianca, aceto di vino, limone e olio), baccalà sotto pesto (che viene fritto in pastella e marinato con aceto, olio di aglio e peperoncino). Ma il clou assoluto è il bordatino, una zuppa con fagioli rossi di Lucca, cavolo nero e farina di mais di antica origine contadina.

At the “Bottega del Gusto Cibo Vino,” right in front of the beautiful promenade of Livorno, you will find the usual quality and hospitality typical of Livorno, who love their city and their cuisine. You can find a variety of Livorno specialties cooked with love and joy, enjoying beautiful sunsets, excellent wines paired with local dishes such as chickpeas and herring, marinated mackerel, anchovies alla povera (with white onion, wine vinegar, lemon, and oil), cod under pesto (that is fried in batter and marinated with vinegar, garlic oil, and chili). But the absolute highlight is the bordatino, a soup with red beans of Lucca, black cabbage, and corn flour of ancient peasant origin.

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Lezione sulla tecnica di preparazione della pasta alla carbonara più successiva degustazione (15 euro)
Learn the technique of preparing pasta alla carbonara plus tasting (15 euro)

Raffaele è un cuoco amatoriale appassionato ed esperto, in grado d’inventare diverse ricette e preparare piatti tradizionali “come Dio comanda.” Lasciati guidare in un fantastico viaggio culinario e prepara la pasta alla carbonara e altri piatti di pasta preferiti che non dimenticherai mai! Buona preparazione e buon appetito!

Raffaele is a passionate and experienced amateur cook, able to invent different recipes and prepare traditional dishes “as God commands.” Let us guide you on a fantastic culinary journey and prepare pasta alla carbonara and other favorite pasta dishes you will never forget! Buona preparazione e buon appetito!

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Gita guidata in battello (in lingua inglese o italiana) sui “Fossi” medicei (i canali) di Livorno (15 euro)
Guided boat trip (in English or Italian language) on the Medici “Fossi” (the canals) of Livorno (15 euro)

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Livorno, la città toscana fondata dalla potente famiglia Medici, ha un sistema unico di antichi canali, i cosiddetti “Fossi.” Il Canal Boat Tour Mediceo dura circa un’ora e offre una prospettiva insolita e sorprendente tra edifici eleganti, quartieri pittoreschi, chiese e antiche fortezze. Sarete i benvenuti a bordo per conoscere e apprezzare il centro storico della città, navigando attraverso questi pittoreschi corsi d’acqua.

Livorno, the Tuscan city founded by the powerful Medici family, has a unique system of ancient canals, the so-called “Fossi.” The Medici Canal Boat Tour takes about an hour and offers an unusual and surprising perspective between elegant buildings, picturesque districts, churches, and ancient fortresses. You will be welcome on board to get to know and appreciate the historic city center, sailing through these scenic waterways. 

Cena in ristorante tipico livornese (40 euro)
Dinner in a typical Livorno restaurant (40 euros)

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Cena in un ristorante tipico livornese a base di “cacciucco”, zuppa di pesce della tradizione ebraica sefardita, pietra angolare della cucina popolare livornese, con un bicchiere di vino rosso toscano. Alessandra vi racconterà il significato di questo ottimo piatto e le leggende che lo circondano. Sarà sicuramente un ottimo pasto e un’occasione per conoscere meglio le tradizioni livornesi, la storia e le leggende.

Dinner in a typical Livorno restaurant based on “cacciucco”, fish soup of the Sephardic Jewish tradition, the cornerstone of the popular cuisine of Livorno, with a glass of Tuscan red wine. Alessandra will tell you about this excellent dish’s significance and the legends surrounding it. It will surely be an excellent meal and an opportunity to learn more about Livornese traditions, history, and legends. 

Percorso nel “fast food” livornese a merenda (15 euro)
Foodie Tour Livorno fast food (15 euro)

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Il 5 e 5

È un vero e proprio simbolo di Livorno. Il 5 e 5 è un panino senza latte né strutto (tipo francesino) farcito con torta di ceci (un miscuglio liquido di farina di ceci, acqua, sale e olio, cotto nel forno a legna) e, volendo, melanzane sotto pesto, ovvero grigliate e condite con aglio, peperoncino e aceto.  Su richiesta, la torta appena sfornata è ulteriormente insaporita con una spolverizzata di pepe. L’accostamento del pane con la torta di ceci è stato ideato dai livornesi negli anni ’30. Nel giro di poco divenne irrinunciabile, una sorta di rito quotidiano, perché assai gradevole e molto economico. Si diffuse così la consuetudine di chiedere ai “tortai” 5 lire di pane e, appunto, 5 di torta.

It is a real symbol of Livorno. The 5 and 5 is a sandwich without milk or lard (Frenchman type) stuffed with chickpea cake (a liquid mixture of chickpea flour, water, salt, and oil, baked in a wood oven) and, if desired, eggplant under pesto grilled and seasoned with garlic, chili, and vinegar.  The freshly baked cake is further flavored with a sprinkle of pepper upon request. The people of Livorno devised the juxtaposition of bread with chickpea cake in the ’30s. In a short time, it became indispensable, a kind of daily ritual, because very pleasant and very cheap. It spread so the custom of asking the “tortai” 5 lire of bread and, precisely, 5 of cake.

Gli Scagliozzi (polenta fritta) 

Sono semplici fette di polenta che viene lasciata a seccare dopo la preparazione per perdere umidità e poter essere fritta senza sciogliersi nell’olio bollente, fritte in abbondante olio e salate. Sono quasi sempre di forma rettangolare o quadrata, e si vendono in friggitoria.

They are simple slices of polenta that is left to dry after preparation to lose moisture and be fried without melting in boiling oil, fried in plenty of oil, and salted. They are almost always rectangular or square and are sold in the fryer.

Il Castagnaccio

È un dolce tipico preparato con la farina di castagne e arricchito con uvetta, pinoli, noci e rosmarino. È un “piatto povero” di origine contadina essendo la castagna diffusa nelle campagne, poco costosa e nutriente. Le prime notizie di questo dolce risalgono al 1500 e pare sia stato ideato da un certo Pilade da Lucca; fu a partire dall’800 che i toscani esportarono il castagnaccio nel resto d’Italia, arricchito con uvetta, pinoli, rosmarino o scorza di arancia grattugiata. Ma ogni famiglia custodisce la propria ricetta del castagnaccio!

It is a typical dessert prepared with chestnut flour enriched with raisins, pine nuts, walnuts, and rosemary.  It is a “poor dish” of peasant origin, being the chestnut widespread in the countryside, inexpensive and nutritious. The first news of this sweet dates back to 1500 and seems to have been invented by a certain Pilade da Lucca; it was in 800 that the Tuscans exported the castagnaccio to the rest of Italy, enriched with raisins, pine nuts, rosemary, or grated orange peel. But every family keeps its recipe of castagnaccio!

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Combinare un soggiorno in famiglia a Livorno con degustazioni enogastronomiche, corsi di cucina e visite guidate in barca ti dà la ricetta perfetta per una vacanza indimenticabile. Potrete godere della bellezza della costa toscana e immergervi nel cuore delle sue tradizioni culinarie e creare collegamenti duraturi con la comunità locale. È un’esperienza immersiva che vi lascerà con un profondo apprezzamento per la bellezza, la cultura e la calda ospitalità di Livorno.

Combining a homestay in Livorno with wine and food tastings, cooking classes, and guided boat tours gives you the perfect recipe for an unforgettable vacation. You will enjoy the beauty of the Tuscan coast and delve into the heart of its culinary traditions and create lasting connections with the local community. It’s an immersive experience that will leave you with a deep appreciation for Livorno’s beauty, culture, and the warm hospitality of its people.


[su_spoiler title=”Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices” style=”fancy”]

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you would like to make a reservation, click on the form link above and indicate your first, second & third choices for an Italian Language Homestay, along with dates and language level. Melissa will respond as soon as she receives the form. If, for some reason, you don’t hear back immediately, please send a follow-up email to

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